TV and Projectors 

Interesting educational channels. The best channels on YouTube. Only the most useful and interesting things! Channel and blog of Evgeniy Vergus

Biologists Mitchell Moffitt and Gregory Brown, known for their articles in Scientific American and The Atlantic, on their channel ASAP Science each week, they answer a compelling question, like how MDMA affects the brain, why we think babies are so cute, and whether video games can make us smarter. All videos are hand-drawn animation that clearly reveals this or that fact.

Nauchpok can be called an analogue of ASAP Science in Russian. A channel made by the odious team of video bloggers Caramba TV (+100500, BadComedian, etc.), also features hand-drawn videos in a similar style. The topic is also very close, as the titles of the video indicate: “why do people hiccup”, “why do we love spicy things”, “what is topographic cretinism”.

A channel that is already considered a legend in the YouTube community. The slogan Vsauce - The world is amazing reflects its essence: blog author Michael Stevens takes on completely different aspects of our existence and clearly explains why everything happens this way and not otherwise. By the way, not so long ago, enthusiasts launched a channel where selected Vsauce videos are translated into Russian.

Authentic Russian-language channel Kreosan publishes videos with unusual experiments with electricity, radio waves, pyrotechnics, and also demonstrates his inventions. Two Ukrainian physicists from Lugansk share ideas on how to make a high-voltage generator in 15 minutes, what needs to be done to turn a linear thunderstorm into ball lightning, etc. In addition to a channel with scientific experiments, the authors of Kreosan launched a video blog about what it’s like to live on South-East Ukraine in the midst of hostilities. They post reports under fire and other “adventures”.

This is a project of Denis Mokhov from Moscow, who is engaged in the popularization of science among children. The channel, which has become the largest educational video project on the Internet in Russia, was launched about 2 years ago. And his videos with experiments in the field of physics and chemistry now collect 500-600 thousand views. Recently, with the help of crowdfunding, Denis released children's books aimed at stimulating curiosity, as well as an author's program on the Karusel TV channel.

The brainchild of Henry Reich, an American physicist, which cleverly uses funny doodles and a funny narrative to explain fairly complex scientific concepts and ideas in just 60 seconds. The channel's description, which reads "...if you can't explain something simply, you don't understand it well enough," says it all. There is no doubt that Reich had a deep grasp of complex concepts.

Russian-language channel about science and entertaining experiments
and facts, which is done by a blogger named Ignat. In the videos, he covers questions about how man will evolve in the future, what the sixth sense is, and what blind people see in their dreams. Some of the hypotheses put forward by the author frankly reek of pseudoscientific research by “British scientists”, so they should be taken with skepticism.

Interesting YouTube channels that you should definitely watch before the world's secret government closes them down.

Anna Literalist

1. Anna Literalist– a young booktuber who talks about interesting authors and books, effective ways memorizing the literature read, details of the creative path of famous writers unknown to the general public. If you are fond of reading, you will like Anna Bukvalistka’s booktube channel.


2 . An extremely interesting YouTube channel by Grigory Sokolov, to which more than 400 thousand people are subscribed. Gregory's videos are dedicated to camping life, tourism, and methods of survival in the wild. Gregory's video about opening canned food with bare hands on at the moment has already received more than 9 million views.

Evgeniy Koinov

3 . Evgeniy Koynov is a popularizer of Vedic knowledge, trying to reveal to a seeking audience the purpose and meaning of human life on earth from the point of view of Eastern wisdom.


4. Oumvideo– YouTube channel of the yoga portal Yoga teachers teach asanas, share their opinions on proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, and analyze the main principles of such eastern teachings as yoga and Buddhism.

Radio Slipper

Nikolay Voronov

6 . Nikolai Voronov is famous for his song “White Dragonfly of Love”. This composition is also known to be performed by the group “Quest Pistols”.

Physics from Pobedinsky

7 . An interesting educational channel by Dmitry Pobedinsky. Dmitry talks about the phenomena and patterns of the surrounding reality from a scientific point of view.

I want to go home. Trips you won't go on

8 . Channel of Leonid Pashkovsky, traveling through third world countries. This is one of the most exciting travel blogs in the Russian YouTube segment.

Irina Bazhovka

9 . On Irina Bazhovka’s channel there is fascinating music, beautiful poems (including those performed by the geniuses who wrote them), and excerpts from films. There is beauty and feeling here.

Sergey KuvaevJP

10 . A fascinating channel by Sergei Kuvaev, who talks about life in the land of the rising sun - Japan.

Oxford University –

11 . Channel of Vladimir Zoryany, a scientific teacher and researcher who has worked at the University of Oxford for more than 5 years. Vladimir talks about how to enter the best educational institutions in the world, the principles of working in the Western higher education system, the pros and cons of living in the atmosphere of Western society for immigrants from the countries of the former USSR, and much more.


12 . Interesting section on the channel Visioneery- analysis of films. The author of the channel focuses the viewer’s attention on the fact that he does not do reviews or reviews of films, but rather analyzes of films, decoding.


13. 1MGMU– an educational channel with documentaries on medicine. It will be of interest not only to students of medical universities. The channel also presents video chronicles of 1st Moscow State Medical University: anniversaries, alumni meetings, doctors’ graduations, etc. It is not recommended for people who experience discomfort from seeing operations or the sight of blood.


14 . A bright YouTube channel by Vitalik and Lisa about independent travel around the world. Suitable for travel enthusiasts and those interested in life in distant countries. Vitaly is a cheerful and open blogger who does not hesitate to highlight even the unsightly moments that happen in the life of any traveler. The authors of the channel have already visited the USA, European countries, Vietnam, India, Maldives, Singapore, Bali, Koh Samui, etc.

Powerful Primates

15 . Entertaining video clips (on English), dedicated to the problems of the modern globalizing world.

Mantras and Mangos

16 . Vegetarian recipes, overseas countries, national cuisines, sea and sun - all this and much more on the English-language channel Mantras and Mangos.

Vlad Wolfram

Dharma Bums

18. Dharma Bums– a channel about fearless travelers who learn something new about life every day: “ We love the road, and for us it is a reflection of the path inside ourselves“.

Ivan Didenko

19 . Ivan Didenko is an actor, researcher, teacher. The videos in which Ivan reads “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare deserve special mention. If you are a fan of Shakespeare's work, you will be surprised by Ivan Didenko's view of this work.


20 . To break a person out of the narrow framework of stereotypes and stereotyped thinking is the declared goal of the author of the “4istit” channel. The channel features interesting presentations by experts in various fields of knowledge.

かご猫 Blog

21 . Just cats and nothing but cats. Cats in Japan have the status of divine beings. Therefore, it is not surprising that an organized group of cats captured a certain Japanese man, who is now forced to carry out all the orders of the furry deities.

Mr Ben Brown

22 . Ben Brown - traveler and author of the popular youtube channel A. The rollers are distinguished by high quality editing, thoughtful plot, emotionality of the main character. One of Ben Brown's most exciting adventures is a trip to the Arctic.

Vasily Molodyakov

23 . Lectures by Russian historian Vasily Molodyakov are devoted to Russian-Japanese relations, the First World War, poets of the Silver Age, bibliography and historiography.

Boris Tsatsouline

24 . “CMT – Scientific Approach” is a project by Boris Tsatsouline, which includes a website, pages in social networks and YouTube channel. The main topics are medicine and health, sports and sports supplements, nutrition and dietetics. A special feature of the project is its emphasis on authoritative scientific research and current medical literature.

Simple Science

Fascinating chemical experiments and physical experiments - for both adults and children. In general, in addition to videos, the guys also publish a series of books with experiments.

Physics on GetAClass

The Getaclass service, which is an educational platform combined with a classroom management system, hosts their educational videos on physics and mathematics on it. They are all very short, very clip-like, very engaging.

SUBSCRIBE to OUR YouTube channel, which allows you to watch online, download free videos from YouTube about human health and rejuvenation..

Science for children

The site contains homemade products, entertaining articles, and manuals for teachers, but the channel contains simple physical and chemical experiments.

SUBSCRIBE to OUR YouTube channel, which allows you to watch online, download free videos from YouTube about human health and rejuvenation..

Recordings of Children's University classes from Polytechnic

The Polytechnic Museum recently opened its Children's University - a place of additional education for future scientists aged 8 to 11 years. Classes at the University are purchased immediately with a subscription (for 3,000 rubles per semester), and are available only to Moscow and St. Petersburg children, but some recordings are posted on YouTube.

SUBSCRIBE to OUR YouTube channel, which allows you to watch online, download free videos from YouTube about human health and rejuvenation..


A legendary scientific and entertainment program from the times when few people could afford to watch videos on the Internet. One of the few high-quality educational products of the STS channel, which became popular thanks to the charismatic Alexander Pushnoy.

SUBSCRIBE to OUR YouTube channel, which allows you to watch online, download free videos from YouTube about human health and rejuvenation..

TV series “Once upon a time there were discoverers”

This is not a channel, this is a playlist. About ten years ago, the “Culture” TV channel broadcast a magnificent French animated series “Once upon a time there were discoverers” - in 26 episodes, children are told in the form of a journey about the formation of scientists and the scientific view of the world.

SUBSCRIBE to OUR YouTube channel, which allows you to watch online, download free videos from YouTube about human health and rejuvenation..

Golden fund of the library of the publishing house "Fizmatlit"

The website of the Moscow Center for Continuing Mathematical Education has collected a wonderful online library of books that many of us grew up with - this is the “Kvant Library”, and the “Library of the Physics and Mathematics School”, and, of course, the entertaining science of Yakov Isidorovich Perelman.

Electronic library "Science and Technology"

The oldest project on the Runet, simply a treasury of scientific, technical and popular science literature and journalism. One of the most interesting sections is “Rare Editions”. It was there that we discovered, for example, the “Popular Library of Chemical Elements” - nothing better has been written about it since 1977.

We have covered only a few resources, but in RuNet alone there are a huge number of them - and even the small amount that we mentioned is enough to spend weeks and months on them. But we will definitely bring you more. Love science! published

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Here you can watch videos about science and technology from foreign sources, as well as short science fiction films. Everything is translated into Russian and voiced.

2. Sci-One TV

On Sci-One TV you will find reports from scientific and technical events, interviews with experts and educational stories that reveal certain scientific issues. Journalists, engineers, young scientists and other volunteers work on the content.

3. Science and technology

Another resource with translations of videos about science and technology from foreign sources. On it you will find Russified videos of such world-famous channels as AsapSCIENCE , TED-Ed And MinutePhysics.

4. Science

“Nauchpok” are animated videos that popularly and humorously explain scientific facts and answer questions related to them. What is topographic cretinism? Are GMOs dangerous? They will tell you about this and much more on this humorous channel.

5. Gutenberg smoking room

Channel of the educational project “Obrazovac Lecture Hall: Gutenberg Smoking Room.” Videos of lectures from open events dedicated to popular science topics appear here. Speakers are any people who are well versed in their fields.

6. PostScience

Recordings of lectures on fundamental science are posted here, in which Russian scientists talk about their research in the first person. The channel belongs to the scientific and educational portal “PostNauka”.

7. Arzamas

Channel of the educational Internet project Arzamas. The videos are video lectures and short stories given by Russian scientists on issues in the humanities.

8. Attic

The team of this resource maintains several video sections in the form of lectures, discussions, interviews and other formats with the participation of experts. Viewers are told about science, technology and the future. The channel belongs to the Russian news agency TASS.

9. Lectorium

Channel of the educational Internet platform "Lectorium". Here you can watch recordings of lectures given at different universities in Russia. Choose from a variety of subjects and learn from the best teachers in the country.

10. Science 2.0

“Science 2.0” is an account of the TV channel of the same name. Among the available videos you will find programs about space, man and technology. Professional presenters and film crew create high-quality and diverse content.

11. Everything is like animals


A channel about inventions, technology, experiments and curious features of nature. The videos are shot by residents of Donbass. The eccentric but funny presenters never cease to amaze viewers with their ideas and creative ways of bringing them to life.

13. Life hacker

Of course, we couldn’t forget about our YouTube channel. On it you will find educational videos about self-development, technology and elegant solutions to life's problems. Subscribe if you haven't already.

Perhaps we missed something interesting? What scientific and educational channels do you watch?

What to do if you want not only to have an interesting time, but also to learn something new? To that end, we've put together a list of 15 educational YouTube channels that you should watch.


Postscience is a project about modern fundamental science and the scientists who create it. The channel contains interesting videos and lectures from leading Russian and world scientists on a variety of topics. There is history, geography, medicine, and astronomy, in general, for every taste. Most lectures are quite short - under 20 minutes. So that they are easier to digest.

Gutenberg smoking room

Channel of the most visited lecture hall in the country. Many topics, many authors, hundreds of hours of very educational videos. There are also lectures and other formats here, but the videos are much longer - from 20 minutes to an hour.


Funny short animated videos. Each of them answers some non-trivial question in a simple and accessible form. For example: “Why do we procrastinate”, “Why do zebras need stripes” and “Is it possible to defeat old age”.

Intelligence question from Goblin

If you like long, detailed conversations with scientists in interview format, you should check out the channel of the well-known Dmitry Puchkov, aka “Goblin”. He has a wonderful column “Intelligence Issues” in which he talks mainly with historians and political scientists.

The official YouTube channel of the Arzamas educational project, which is dedicated to humanitarian knowledge. Here you will find lectures on history, literature, art, anthropology and philosophy.

365 days

The TV channel uploads its educational films, programs and lectures by scientists to YouTube for 365 days. Mainly on the history of Russia and the world.

Vert Dider translation studio

Translation and voiceover studio Vert Dider collects the most interesting popular science materials on the Internet and translates them into Russian. There is no specific topic; the channel contains videos on both the humanities and programming, for example.

Sci-One TV

Sci-One TV is a team of enthusiastic volunteers, including young scientists, journalists, engineers, artists, specialists and just creative people. The guys consider science and enlightenment to be the greatest achievements of humanity. And we are confident that knowledge can change for the better here and now and even save lives. Therefore, we decided to make science and the love of knowledge popular through a YouTube channel.

Popular channel about science and technology. A fun story about everything that surrounds us, from pets and music to stars and planets.

Everything is like animals

Alpha Centauri

If you love space, be sure to subscribe to the Alpha Centauri channel. The guys who created it are also passionately in love with this airless space. They translate Western scientific videos and films into Russian, and also show almost all rocket launches live.


A scientific and entertainment channel about homemade products and experiments at home. You will learn how to make all sorts of interesting things with your own hands and what cool and dangerous experiments you can conduct with ordinary things.


Soldering iron TV

A channel for electronics engineers, radio amateurs, do-it-yourselfers, microcontroller makers, audiophiles and everyone who is interested in the DIY topic. If you like to tinker with microcircuits and are never without a soldering iron, feel free to subscribe to the channel.

Funny, but sometimes very useful experiments and experiments, mainly with electricity. The guys from Lugansk will tell you how to charge your phone under a high-voltage power line or create ultra-long-range Wi-Fi.