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Conferences. Conferences Scientific conferences on medicine per year


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April 14. Interdisciplinary scientific and practical conference “Topical issues of laboratory diagnostics”

April 21. Scientific and practical educational conference for practitioners “Epilepsy and paroxysmal conditions”
The program has been submitted for accreditation to the CME Coordination Council.

Chronicle of the Scientific and Practical Conference April 5, 2018

Introduction of professional standards. Accreditation of specialists, continuing medical education: Realities and prospects (V.V. Samoilenko)

Development of nursing practice - results and strategic prospects (V.A. Sarkisova)

Prospects for higher nursing education in the Russian Federation (N.A. Kasimovskaya)

On the application of professional standards (V.A. Sarkisova)

Photos from the conference

VII Conference “Safety Issues in Anesthesiology”

(nursing study)


Safety of using active humidification of the respiratory mixture during long-term artificial ventilation of patients in neurocritical care

Endotracheal tube cuff pressure monitoring: instrumental versus routine monitoring

Methods for preparing the surgical field. Pros. Cons.

Surface treatment - a paradigm shift

Improving the effectiveness of central venous catheter care in ICU patients

Psychoemotional state of the patient in the perioperative period and its impact on recovery

Professional training of nurses in anesthesiology and resuscitation based on foreign experience

Organization of work on the management of medical waste in health care facilities

Materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference “New technologies in the activities of specialists with secondary medical education in the provision of primary health care”

Reporting and election conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Regional Public Organization of Nurses of Moscow

Specialized section “Anesthesiology and resuscitation”: problems and development prospects

REPORT of the section “Nursing in Dentistry” for 2016

Report on the work of the regional educational organization of nurses in the city of Moscow for 2016

REPORT on the work of the section of nurses of the phthisiological service of the Moscow ROOMS for 2016.

RAMS and its role in continuing medical education 2017


We start easily - we continue successfully

Basic principles of nutritional support in a multidisciplinary hospital setting. (What is important for a nurse to know)

Nutrition for children up to one year old. New aspects in the nutrition of children under one year old

Nutrition of children with endocrine diseases

Carbohydrate addiction of the 21st century

Nursing care for patients in gerontology

The role of the nurse in neurorehabilitation

Features of nursing care for an elderly person

Merciful Sister

Carrying out quality control over the activities of medical personnel

Organizational features of the interaction between the nursing process and social patronage. How to avoid conflicts of interest

Nursing documentation forms

Features of patient monitoring after thrombolysis and percutaneous coronary intervention

The role of a public organization in the development of specialists from nursing staff

Development of a form of modern nursing documentation

How to help a nurse work as a nurse

Communication in the work of nurses. Ethical and deontological aspects of the patient-oriented model of medical care

Psychological types of patients depending on their attitude towards the disease: practical recommendations for interaction

Verbal etiquette. Ethics and deontology in nursing practice

Communicative competence of nursing staff

Strengthening the ethical foundations of the profession. The role of the Russian Nurses Association

Principles of the Patient Centered Strategy

Medicine is truly the noblest of all arts.

The role of the operating nurse during operations to eliminate scoliotic spinal deformity

Organization of the work of the CSO of a multidisciplinary surgical hospital and development prospects

Features of patient care after thrombolysis and percutaneous coronary intervention.

Basic principles of prevention of HAIs when performing endoscopic surgical interventions

Features of the work of a military nurse anesthetist

A delicate problem in intensive care

3 nephrology department (hemodialysis)

Bladder catheterization. The art of avoiding complications

Features of catheterization of peripheral veins in patients with thermal skin lesions

Safety of healthcare workers and occupational risk of contact with blood

Features of patient care after thrombolysis and percutaneous coronary intervention

Improving the effectiveness of central venous catheter care in patients in the ICU (nursing study)


Flexi Force Cinema

Report at MNOAR 2017

Centuries-old traditions and modern technologies in organizing operational business on the basis of City Clinical Hospital No. 1 named after. N.I. Pirogov

Nursing care for patients in the perioperative period

My profession is operating nurse

The role of the operating nurse in the surgical treatment of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment

Risks of resterilization of disposable instruments

New technologies in the operating room

The professionalism of the operating nurse as a guarantee of safety during open-heart surgery

Caesarean section in modern obstetrics

Surgical treatment of insulinoma in children. Nursing process during surgery

The role of the operating nurse in laparoscopic pancreaticoduodenectomy

Presentations of the nursing section within the framework of the Educational Forum "Errors, dangers and complications in anesthesiology and resuscitation" on February 17, 2017, Congress Center of the First Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov

The role of the nurse in providing blood-saving technologies in an obstetric hospital

Infectious safety during direct laryngoscopy

Adaptation of a young nursing specialist in the intensive care unit

The influence of harmful risk factors on the health of a nurse anesthetist

Patient Care Focus

Modern aspects of the safety of catheterization and maintenance of venous access

Prevention of infections associated with the provision of medical care in the department of anesthesiology and intensive care in cardiac surgery

Realities and prospects of additional professional training "Nursing in intensive care and anesthesiology"

Features of nursing care for children on long-term mechanical ventilation

Important aspects in the work of a nurse anesthetist when performing epidural analgesia in obstetrics

Resuscitation and intensive care unit for patients with stroke

How to improve the effectiveness of oral care in patients on mechanical ventilation?

Errors when administering drugs during anesthesia

High-tech assistance. Open heart surgery with artificial circulation. The role of the nurse.

Ways to optimize nursing care in the department of anesthesiology and intensive care

Prevention of burnout syndrome among nurses

Psychological support for the professional activity of a nurse

"The role of teaching and learning in the prevention of complications in nursing practice

The use of ART therapy methods in gerontopsychiatry and nurses of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution PKB No. 1 named after. N.A. Alekseeva

The use of ART therapy methods in gerontopsychiatry by nurses of the GBUZ PKB No. 1 named after. N.A. Alekseeva

Interaction "doctor - nurse" within the framework of the organizational model of the "Nursing Project" in City Clinical Hospital No. 67im. L.A. Vorokhobova.


Organization of a “sister project”

The reforms taking place in our country have led to the need for changes in healthcare.

The organizational aspects of the healthcare system have changed, it is worth highlighting the main ones:

  • System organizational structure and government-hospital relationships.
  • The need for healthcare organizations to create their own sources of income
  • Public and private insurance
  • The right to choose a medical institution and doctor
  • Competition with other hospitals with different organizational structures and with healthcare systems - in Russia and abroad.

By focusing on improving the quality of medical care, our medical institution has changed approaches to organizing work and the structure of nursing, among other things.

Nurses assigned to certain rooms in the departments worked this way for a long number of years. This practice turned nurses into extremely narrow specialists in nursing, which negatively affected both the nurses themselves and the work of the institution as a whole: due to the lack of variety in work (whether in a treatment room or a dressing room), many nurses lost interest to her; during periods of absence, the smooth functioning of the offices was disrupted, since there was no full-fledged replacement, which entailed a decrease in the pace and quality of medical care.

Priorities of anti-tuberculosis work in the metropolis during the period of decline in the main epidemiological indicators for tuberculosis" (March 31, 2016)

On November 23-24, the Annual All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation “Control and Prevention of Infections Associated with the Provision of Medical Care (HAI 2015)” was held at the Moscow Government House.

Materials on the conference in Ivanovo

Presentation for the conference in Ivanovo

Review of the conference on the topic "The role of the nurse in the treatment of patients suffering from mental illness"

In the city of Ivanovo, on September 17-18, 2015, a Russian conference of nurses was held on the topic “The role of the nurse in the treatment of patients suffering from mental illness.” The conference was organized by the All-Russian public organization Association of Russian Nurses. The conference was attended by 130 representatives from 22 regions of the Russian Federation, as well as representatives of the Department of Health of the Ivanovo Region, the Russian Orthodox Church, practical healthcare workers, and members of regional public organizations.

During the conference, issues such as nursing staff management, development of the nursing specialty, patient rehabilitation, and nursing research were discussed.

From the Moscow Association of Nurses, the conference was attended by the chief nurse of the psychiatric clinical hospital No. 3 named after. V.A. Gilyarovsky Department of Health of the City of Moscow V.N. Svetailo, chief nurse of the psychiatric clinical hospital No. 1 named after. N.A. Alekseeva Department of Health of the City of Moscow O.V. Tanshina.

At the conference, more than 20 reports were presented and master classes were held on “Psychological loads of medical personnel of the medical service”, “Therapeutic and health program for the workplace”, and a round table on the Development of the section “Nursing in Psychiatry” for 2016.

Materials of the All-Russian Congress of Nurses 2015.

The role of the nurse in caring for low birth weight babies


Presentation of a manual for endoscopic nurses

Current problems of tuberculosis

Dear colleagues!

On April 10, 2014, a scientific and practical conference “CURRENT PROBLEMS OF TUBERCULOSIS” dedicated to World Tuberculosis Day was held at the State Clinical Hospital No. 12 of the Department of Health of Moscow, as part of the work of the regional public organization of nurses in Moscow. 10 reports were presented, prepared by the heads of services of the Moscow City Scientific and Practical Center for the Fight against Tuberculosis of the Department of Health, nurses and nurses of anti-tuberculosis institutions in Moscow. More than 340 nurses and medical brothers from Moscow medical institutions of various profiles took part in the conference.

In 1993, WHO declared tuberculosis a national disaster and March 24 as World Tuberculosis Day. The symbol of the date was a white chamomile.

The theme for World Day 2014 is: “The fight against tuberculosis continues.”
According to a 2013 WHO report, tuberculosis remains a major global health problem. The annual World Day provides an opportunity to raise awareness of the situation in the area of ​​disease prevention and control.

Health Information Management: Nurses

Education in Health Informatics in Nursing

From Hippocrates to Facebook. Technological evolution and cultural revolution

Nursing informatics (extended)

Nursing informatics

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation”: main provisions and innovations

Conference “Ethical aspects in the professional activities of nurses”

On March 15, 2012, at the Center for Advanced Training of Healthcare Professionals of the Moscow Health Department, the Regional Public Organization of Nurses held a city scientific and practical conference on the topic: “Ethical aspects in the professional activities of nurses.” The relevance of the conference topic is beyond doubt. In medicine, where the fundamental elements are humanity and mercy, the ethical principle is traditionally of great importance. Nursing ethics is aimed at activities that involve professional patient care, to alleviate the patient’s condition, and restore his health. At the same time, each patient is considered not just as a certain variant of the manifestation of the disease, but also as an individual.

Current issues in endoscopy. Technology of preparing patients for therapeutic and diagnostic methods of research


Conference "Ethics in Nursing"

On October 6-7, 2011, a conference was held in Ivanovo, organized by the Association of Russian Nurses with the direct participation of the Ivanovo regional organization of paramedical workers on the topic: “Ethics in nursing.”

The conference was attended by 125 delegates from 26 regions of Russia, as well as representatives of companies producing medical consumables for healthcare facilities.

Valentina Antonovna Sarkisova addressed the conference participants with a welcoming speech. She noted the particular importance of observing ethical principles in the practice of nurses. In his report, V.A. Sarkisova spoke about the work being done by the Russian Nurses Association to introduce ethical principles into nursing practice. The Association has been and continues to be engaged in a variety of tasks for the development of the nursing profession, but ethical issues have become a priority for it since its inception. For several years, domestic and foreign experience and existing documents were studied and, as a result, the first “Ethical Code of Russian Nurses in Russia” was created in our country. I would like to believe that not only numerous members of the organization are familiar with this document, but also those nurses who are not yet members of its ranks.

Current issues in endoscopy

Conference “Tobacco smoking. Social and medical aspects".

On October 27, 2011, the Regional Public Organization of Nurses of the City of Moscow held a conference at the Center for Advanced Training of Healthcare Professionals of the Moscow Department of Health, “Tobacco Smoking. Social and medical aspects". The relevance of this topic is undeniable. According to WHO, 4 million people die every year from tobacco-related diseases. The problem has several aspects; firstly, the legislative framework does not work. Secondly, most smokers and non-smokers have very limited understanding of smoking. Population surveys have shown a lack of knowledge about the dangers and all the consequences of smoking. Statistics show that Russia is becoming one of the most smoking countries in the world. Smoking among children and adolescents is a huge problem, and smoking among medical workers remains an equally important problem.

  1. Report by Anakhina V.V. senior nurse of the coloproctology department of City Clinical Hospital No. 67 “Relevance of the problem of emotional burnout syndrome.”
  2. “Foreign experience in the prevention of burnout syndrome among medical workers” report by Semenova E.S. senior nurse of the 2nd neurosurgical department of City Clinical Hospital No. 67.
  3. Speech by I.V. Belova senior nurse of the anesthesiology department of City Clinical Hospital No. 67 “Emotional burnout syndrome among medical workers of healthcare facilities in Russia.”
  4. “Results of a survey to study the level of severity of emotional burnout syndrome among nurses at City Clinical Hospital No. 67” Virbitskaya O. M. medical psychologist of the hospital.
  5. Presentations by senior nurses of the cardiac intensive care department and the 3rd neurosurgical department on methods of preventing and combating the “syndrome” in their departments.

This topic is undoubtedly relevant not only for the early detection of symptoms of emotional burnout, but also the most important thing is its prevention.