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How to send a postcard "In Contact": a guide for inexperienced network users. Free greeting cards in Odnoklassniki How to send a card in a message to ok

On at the moment The number of Odnoklassniki audiences is approaching 350 million people. Just imagine how big this figure is. The social network was able to connect such different people and help them see something of their own in the virtual world. Some fell in love with the community for the standard communication function, others for its photos, games and applications. And each user was able to appreciate the gifts - funny, cute, kind, animated and simple pictures. Today we will tell you how to send postcards for free in messages on Odnoklassniki. Why sticker styles the best way for congratulations and when is it worth taking the time to congratulate personally over the phone?

Congratulations on Odnoklassniki: pros and cons

For more than ten years, postcards have existed in Odnoklassniki. At the very beginning, only paid images were available. Over time, the company's management decided that they needed to attract as many people as possible to exchange stickers and created free stickers. They fell in love with the audience appearance, accessibility, the ability to send to friends in a few clicks and express all your emotions and feelings. And having tried the “taste” of the new function, people began to purchase paid gifts.

Every day thousands of postcards are sent to their recipients. During the holidays, the number of shipments increases significantly and exceeds millions. But no matter how wonderful the gifts are, there are cases when they should be left aside and resort to the good old way: congratulations in person. When it comes to dear people: sister, brother, mother, father, grandmother. To dismiss it as a simple soulless picture would be wrong and even insulting. If it is not possible to meet the person, then call him. A few words spoken over the phone are much nicer and warmer. By doing this, you will show that you really care about people.

You can use virtual gifts when congratulating old acquaintances with whom you only maintain online communication, or when communicating with unfamiliar users.

Where can I get free postcards for Odnoklassniki?

In order not to spend OKI on paid gifts, you can always use the free option. You can find such stickers:

How to send a gift in messages on Odnoklassniki?

To send a gift to your friend you will need mobile phone with Internet or computer access. Let's take a phone as an example:

  1. Open the application on your device and go to the "Gifts" section. It's on the menu. Sometimes postcards can be found in the news feed.
  2. Select the picture you want to send and click on it.
  3. A window will open for you. In it you can perform the following actions:
  • Send privately – that is, no one except the recipient will know the sender of the gift. For detailed information about that, see the article.
  • Send secretly - in this case, no one will recognize the sender, not even the recipient.

  1. Select a recipient from the list below and click on it. Done, the gift has been sent.


In Odnoklassniki you can send a gift not only to the person who is your friend. You can also give a gift to a third-party user. But in this case, only a paid sticker will be available for sending.

We introduced a wonderful feature - all users of this social network got the opportunity to send postcards to your friends directly on the site. You can do this using branded service social network, or using an application. Let's start with the first option - it is the most convenient and easy to use.

Log in to Odnoklassniki. In the top menu, select the “Gifts” section.

After the page loads, select the “Postcards” section on the left side of the screen.

A huge list of postcards appeared. You need to choose the card that you like best.

After you have decided on the card, click “Give”, as shown in the screenshot:

After this, a friends selection list will appear. Select the user you want to give the card to. Remember that you can only send a postcard to the user who has been added to your friend list. The next step is to pay for your purchase and choose whether to send it secretly or privately. In the first case, even the recipient will not know who sent him the gift, in the second, only he will see who the card is from, and if you do not select anything, then all users will know who sent the card.

If you have OKs in your account, then you don’t need to do anything else. If there are no funds in the account, . How to do this is described in one of our articles.

By the way, all postcards are musical. But you can send a simple gift, which can easily replace a card.

How to send a postcard on Odnoklassniki for free?

At the time of writing, it is not possible to send a postcard for free using the Odnoklassniki proprietary service. Therefore, you can use one more option.

Open the “Postcards” application ( Here you will see a huge selection of postcards.

Select a category. For example, “Happy Birthday!” Select a postcard where the cost is indicated on a gray background. These are brands, the user often has them, and completely free of charge. Click Send Postcard."

Select a user, write him a message and send him a postcard. All. This way you can send a postcard for free! Of course, this method works exactly until the stamps run out. Go for it.

Find out how to send a video or music postcard on Odnoklassniki, as well as a private or free gift to a friend right now from the article provided.

Modern life takes us more and more away from reality into the virtual world. When shopping, we now often go not to the nearest shopping center, but to an online store. And to please a friend or just someone you like, we send a congratulation or a gift on a social network. After all, it’s very easy to do. You don’t have to leave the house and you don’t even have to meet. All you have to do is send a gift on Odnoklassniki. It must be admitted that this social network is especially active, compared to others, in developing the gift direction. If you don’t yet know how to give virtual presentations, but want to learn, this material will be very useful to you.

Let's find out how to send free gifts on Odnoklassniki. Let us immediately warn you that free gifts (for your wallet) are only allowed to be sent to friends. And by the way, the choice of such gifts is extremely small. If the person you want to make happy is not your friend yet, then get ready to fork out some cash. You will have to pay for the gift using the virtual currency of Odnoklassniki - OKami. And they are bought for very real money.

To give a gift to your friend on Odnoklassniki, you can use several methods. The first one:

    Log in to your profile, open the “Friends” section;

    Place your mouse cursor on the photo of the friend you want to please;

    A menu will open in which select the “Make a gift” command;

    Choose what exactly you want to give;

    Fill out the fields in the accompanying form (if you wish) or check the box that your gift is private (read what this means below);

    Complete the sending by clicking on the “Give” button.

If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to send a gift on Odnoklassniki to a non-friend, use the above algorithm. You just need to go to the “Guests” section or find the user to whom you want to address the gift through a search engine.

The second way to give gifts to your friends:

    Open the “Gifts” section located under the main photo in your profile;

    Find a suitable gift and click on it with the left mouse button;

    Photos of all your friends will appear, select the person you want or enter his name in the search bar;

    Write a message (if you wish) to accompany the gift, or note that this gift is private;

    By clicking the "Give" button, send the gift.

The third way to send free gifts on Odnoklassniki, of course, is also suitable for purchased gifts. Follow these steps:

    Select a gift on the main photo of the page or in the feed, click on it;

    In the display window that appears, mark your choice again by clicking on the gift;

    Mark who you intend this gift for;

    Fill out the accompanying form, complete everything by clicking the “Give” button.

We must warn you that the last two methods will not work if the user is not your friend on Odnoklassniki.

A friend or other social network member may not appreciate the gift and reject it. But if he agreed to accept your virtual gift, you will receive a notification about this. And the main photo of the person who accepted your sign of attention will immediately be decorated with a beautiful picture with pleasant words. By the way, gifts can remain in “suspense” and wait for the recipient’s approval for a very long time, up to 2 years. After this time, the gift will simply disappear and it will no longer be possible to receive it. By the way, if the gift you made is rejected, the OKs spent on its purchase will be returned to your account. But if the recipient for some reason deleted the gift sticker you sent, the money will be lost.

In addition, you will not be able to send a gift to a user who has blacklisted you. You cannot give free gifts, as well as those that are available when you subscribe to the “All Inclusive” service, to site members with closed profiles.

Do you know how many gifts a profile on Odnoklassniki can display at the same time? Now the capacity of the personal page allows you to accept up to 100 presentations at once. And those that do not fit do not disappear anywhere if the recipient has approved them. They are stored in a special section. It's easy to log in:

    Click on the word “Gifts” in the menu on the left of your profile;

    On the new page, also in the left column, find the “My Gifts” subsection;

Gifts in Odnoklassniki can be public, private or secret. Public presentations for everyone to see. The user himself and each of his friends or guests who look at the profile can find out who the sender is. Just hover your cursor over the sticker. A private gift is also visible to everyone, but the name of the giver is visible only to the recipient. The rest of the network will not recognize him.

To get Odnoklassniki classes in large quantities, go to the presented page - increase the popularity of your profile or community at extremely low prices.

Now we’ll tell you how to send a private gift on Odnoklassniki. It's very easy to give someone a gift and hide your name. When you submit it, please check the appropriate box. In addition, the recipient can also make your gift private. Then, when receiving it, he must select this option.

Odnoklassniki users are wondering whether it is possible to somehow identify the mysterious donor. The site administration excludes this possibility. His name is securely hidden, all that remains is conjecture. However, it happens that a secret gift is sent with bad intentions. The recipient is offended or insulted. You must report such a problem to the site support service. There are no secrets for its specialists. And insults are a violation of the rules of the social network.

By the way, Odnoklassniki believes that a user can send a gift not to someone else, but to himself. Why not please your loved one? And if you want the gift to be rich, you will have to think about how to earn OKs in Odnoklassniki. We can suggest acceptable options.

On Odnoklassniki, gifts are divided not only according to the degree of openness (public, private and secret), but also according to other characteristics. The cooler the picture, the longer it will decorate your friend’s profile, whether it is static or moving - the price of the product in OK depends on this. For example, a free gift will remain on the recipient’s page for only 2 days. A regular gift that will last 7 days costs 35 OK, a large one - up to 50. For animation they offer to pay 60 OK. A separate tariff applies for musical accompaniment - another 10 OK to the main cost. If you are ready to pay, read how to send a musical postcard on Odnoklassniki. The procedure is simple:

    Go to the gift display using any of the methods described above;

    Select a gift and use the “Add Song” function before sending.

As you understand, voicing a virtual presentation is easy. There would be 10 OK in your account. But for now, the Odnoklassniki website does not offer gifts in video format. But it can still be done. True, such a gift is sent only in messages, so only the recipient himself can see it. Even friends will not notice this sign of attention. Let's look at the options for sending a video postcard in Odnoklassniki.

You can do this: download the video that you want to make as a gift to your computer, then drag it to Odnoklassniki. You can learn from us how to add a video without much effort. Then write a congratulations message to your friend or any user, and attach a video to it. There is a paperclip icon for this action. It will open a menu where you should select the “Video” line and take it from the site.

There is another option in which you do not have to download the plot to your computer.

    Log in to your personal profile, open the “Messages” section and select a dialogue with the person you want to send a video postcard to;

    In another tab, open YouTube, find a suitable video, select and copy the link from the address bar;

In addition, in the “Messages” section there was new feature, which allows you to send audio and video materials you recorded yourself to friends. So if you have equipment for filming and recording sound at hand, create your own greetings. Talk, sing, dance and send your videos as an exclusive gift. We described in detail how to do this in the article “How to send and read messages in Odnoklassniki.”

And also “Gift Designer” appeared in Odnoklassniki. Each user can show their creativity and make a personal gift by choosing a photo, inscription, and design. However, even a gift made independently, according to the site’s rules, will not be free.

Today I I'll tell you about all the free ways existing on the website, which allow you to send greeting cards to friends and colleagues for birthdays, as well as for other significant dates and events.

1. Sending postcards through special applications.

The simplest existing way to send postcards to classmates. To use it, you need to use one of the applications listed below. Postcards sent in this way will appear in the person’s Notifications.

Application "Greeting Cards".

This application is the most popular on Odnoklassniki. At the time of writing this article, more than 23.5 million people have already used it.

How to use the application?

First, go to the "Greeting Cards" application by following the link: or use the standard search function in Odnoklassniki.

On the left side there is a “Postcard Catalog” window, in which different postcards are sorted by date and category. Click on the desired ruble, select the required postcard, write a congratulatory text, view what happened, click on the “ send“, choose the necessary friend and that’s it!

Application "Postcards".

The second most popular application, which keeps pace with the first. Its audience is only a couple of million less than the first. The application is available via a permanent link

How to use the Postcards app?

2. Sending postcards from emoticons.

This method differs significantly from the previous one, because Doesn't require you to sign in to any apps. You've probably already seen similar pictures in messages or on your friends' forums (see picture below).

Oddly enough, both pictures are a combination of emoticons and symbols.

To send pictures similar to the one shown on the left, You will need to purchase or receive paid emoticons for free. Then go to one of the groups dedicated to postcards from paid emoticons (or just surf your friends’ pages), copy the picture you like and send it as a postcard to the right person.

To create postcards, similar to the one drawn on the right, you can use special programs, for example ImgToTxt, as well as your own imagination.