REA repair

We change the password on Wi-Fi routers TP-Link, Asus, D-Link, ZyXel and Huawei. How to change Wi-Fi password? Intersvyaz how to change the password for Wi-Fi

Hello everyone! In this article I will tell you how to change the password on a wifi router .

Wi-Fi technology has now become one of the most common ways to access the network, since the convenience of such a network is that various devices can connect to the Internet wirelessly.

True, if the password has not yet been set or it is too simple, then you should take care of the security of the network, because in this case almost anyone, including a child, will be able to connect to it.

But if a person is very generous and does not feel sorry for anything for others, this is his business, but then he will have to put up with the fact that the network works slowly.

I decided to make my network more secure, so now I’ll tell you how you can set a password for your Wi-Fi. You can do this using my example.

How to change the password on a Wi-Fi router - Where is the Wi-Fi password set?

A router or router is one of the most popular devices for this type of network. And I will consider setting a password on the router.

There are quite a few different manufacturers and models of such devices, but they are designed approximately the same. I set a password on the D-Link DIR-300 router.

The settings interface can be opened on any device connected to this network through a browser. I did this using a computer, since it connects to the network via cable (if the connection is wireless, then if you change the password, the device will automatically disconnect from Wi-Fi).

To open the settings I needed, I wrote in address bar browser IP address of your device. You can also use standard addresses used by the manufacturer for this, but this does not always work (depending on the model and the manufacturer itself). It may also be that the interface address is located on the device itself on a special sticker or is indicated in the instructions. You can type the router model into a search engine and try to find the information you need.

Login to router settings

Having determined the required IP address to go to the settings, I wrote it in the address bar of the browser.

Then a special window appeared where I entered my login and password.

Just like many routers, my username and password are “admin”

However, if this option does not work, then, most likely, this device requires different data (depending on the router) or they were changed earlier.

If the username and password are unknown, then you can try searching on the Internet, or, if nothing was found, reset the settings to factory settings.

Setting a Wi-Fi password

After entering my username and password, an interface opened where I found “Security Settings” located in the advanced settings section. The interface may look different on different routers, but the items and sections will be approximately the same.

Then in "Network Authentication" I selected WPA2, since on at the moment this is the most secure authentication method for the network.

After that, I wrote a new password in “PSK Encryption Key,” which I previously selected so that the likelihood of it being hacked was minimal. It is better that it contains both letters and numbers.

Now you need to configure WPA encryption, for which I selected the AES algorithm in the field of the same name, because among the others it is more reliable.

Before clicking "Edit", I double-checked all the entered data and made sure everything was correct. I then restarted the router since a reboot is required for the changes to take effect.

Checking Wi-Fi operation

I reconnected all devices to Wi-Fi, only now entering a new password.

But some people gave an error when trying to connect. Then I deleted my network from those saved on the device and, after waiting for the name to appear in the list again, entered a new password in the field.


So I looked at the question - how to change the password on a wifi router. Everything is quite easy and simple. So in my example, you can change the password. Thanks everyone, bye everyone!

How to change the password on a wifi router?

Hello! Every day more and more people are abandoning the old proven method of accessing the Internet by pulling a cable. Now, most users of the World Wide Web have a router in their apartment, hence, sooner or later, the question arises, how to change the Wi-Fi password in the router?

I want to say right away that depending on the model of your router, the sequence of actions will be slightly different, but the meaning and principle are the same in all such cases. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that, often, each of these installation/configuration wizard windows may not contain the Russian language. Therefore, in order not to dig a hole for yourself, do everything according to the instructions that I will give below.

So, let's go!

How to change the Wi-Fi password

The first thing you need to do is go to the settings menu of your router, which is a network signal transmitter. If you do not know the name of the network, you will need to connect via wired connection. To do this, we will have to connect the wire into a free connector without disconnecting the device. It is also worth noting that if there is only one connector, you will need to disconnect it and connect yours. Stretch the other end of the wire to the computer and insert it from the back into the socket that is intended for the wire cable. Thus, we get the following picture: one end of the wire comes from the router, and the other is connected to a computer or laptop.

Naturally, the scheme described above may be different for you. For example, in the picture above there is also a cable from the provider (the company that provides Internet services), which can “come” from the entrance. But as you understand, the meaning remains the same.

How to log into the router

Now we will learn how to log directly into the router itself. To do this, we will have to manually enter its local IP address in the address bar of any browser. If you don’t know it, then you can correct this defect in several ways. Either you call your provider, provide personal identification information, as well as the router model (if this device is not in your home), or we find out the desired address manually.

To do this, find four bars in the lower right corner of the screen, indicating that your computer is connected to Wi-Fi. Click on the icon with the left mouse button, select the currently active connection and click on it right click. In the drop-down menu, select the item: “Status”.

We are looking for an item in the list called: “Default gateway IPv4”.

We write down the value of this line; it will be presented as four numbers separated by dots. This is the same local IP address that we need now.

If you are going to change the password on wi-fi and were not connected to it, then you can do the same operations on another computer that is currently connected to this router. It doesn't matter whether it's Wi-Fi or a wired connection.

You can also see the IP address under the router or behind it.

Advice. If you don’t know the router’s IP address, you can try to find it. For example,,,

In general, no matter what method you choose, after the address has been successfully typed into the address bar of the browser, press “Enter”. A window will appear in front of you where you need to enter your username and password to access the router settings.

If you don’t know the password, you can look again on the device itself. In the image above, this data is usually indicated under IP. If there are none, then try entering the login admin or administrator; the password may be the same as the login or not at all.

Changing the password

Then the settings open and your eyes naturally run in all directions. I cannot write specific instructions on what exactly needs to be done next, since everything depends only on the manufacturer of your router. However, I will still explain the basic principles that guide developers who create such settings.

Firstly, you will have a small menu in any case. Either at the top of the window or on the left. They usually don't do it any other way. In it you need to find an item called “Interface Setup” or “Basic”, i.e. item name on English may be called something else, but it is very similar to these options that I gave as an example.

When I can't immediately determine where the wireless settings are, I just go through the entire menu and look for what I need. For example, the word "Wireless". So in any case, you will definitely find this tab.

This section will contain many input fields and settings selections. For example, “SSID”, in which you can set a name for the Wi-Fi point. Above I gave instructions on how to go into the router settings; if you don’t know the SSID, now you can give it a name that suits you.

But still, how to change the Wi-Fi password? We are also looking for the field in which the parameter responsible for the type of protection is set. There should be WPA2-PSK. In the “Pre-Shared Key” field, enter the combination of Latin characters we need - this is your Wi-Fi password.

After that, click on the button to save, for example, “OK”, “Save” or “Submit”. By the way, there are articles on the blog that can help you with other questions about Wi-Fi:

Now you can disconnect the cable, if it was connected, and put it on the far shelf;). Some routers sometimes malfunction, if you do not see your SSID through the laptop, wait 2-3 minutes or reboot it - turn it off and on again. Then connect to Wi-Fi with a new password.

Thank you for your attention, I sincerely hope that this article helped you understand all the difficulties associated with the WiFi password.

To consolidate the material, watch the video on setting up D-link:

Most subscribers of provider companies use special equipment called a wi-fi router to access the Internet and operate interactive television. It is suitable for creating a wireless network, to connect to which you need to enter a randomly generated code word. Users often have a question about how to password-protect a Wi-Fi router so that the key is easily remembered.

First of all, let’s figure out whether protection is needed for wireless network. The answer is yes. Password protection helps prevent strangers or intruders from connecting to your wireless network. Access to personal and private data will be securely closed.

Password rules

To set a password on the router, you must follow some rules:

  1. The length of the code word is at least eight characters.
  2. The password must contain at least one capital letter (A, B, C), one number (1, 2, 3) and one special character (*,#,!).
  3. It is strictly not recommended to use the following basic words in the password: last name, first name, date of birth and other known facts from the user’s life.
  4. Do not create a code word from several consecutive characters or letters. For example, “qwerty” (keyboard layout) or “123456789”.
  5. You should also not use standard templates: “password”, “passw0rd” and other frequently used ones. They should be avoided when composing a code word.

Using the rules, the user can easily set a complex password on a regular Wi-Fi router.

Which security certificate to use: WEP, WPA-PSK or WPA2-PSK

A security certificate is, in essence, electronic document, confirming the reliability and security of the connection. There are three types:

  1. WPE is a legacy standard, one of the first. The protection provided is zero. Not recommended for use.
  2. WPA-PSK is the next security certificate to replace WPE. It used the TKIP protocol to ensure data integrity. Unfortunately, during its operation, some vulnerabilities were discovered through which an attacker could gain access to a secure connection.
  3. WPA2-PSK is an improved version of the previous certificate, where known vulnerabilities are closed. The AES protocol is used to encrypt data. Currently, this is the most secure option used in all wireless networks. Accordingly, it is recommended to choose it to ensure reliable protection of the user’s local network.

WPA2-PSK is divided into two types: Personal and Enterprise. WPA2 Personal is used in everyday conditions, and Enterprise is used in the corporate sector. Further, when answering the question: “How to password protect a router?”, the conversation will only be about the Personal version.

What type of encryption to use: TKIP or AES

Data encryption is carried out using the TKIP or AES protocols. TKIP is an obsolete option. It has certain limitations on data transfer speed: up to 54 Mbit/s. In addition, it is much easier to crack than AES.

AES is a modern encryption protocol. Supports the latest 802.11n wireless network standard and 256-bit encryption, which makes the hacking process extremely difficult for an attacker.

A reliable method: use the AES encryption protocol in conjunction with a WPA2-PSK certificate.

How to make a password from random characters

If you have some difficulties creating a password according to the rules specified above, you should use special programs. They generate a random set of characters according to a user-specified algorithm.

As an example, here is an example of an online generator for creating code keys:

Set the necessary requirements:

Click the “Create” button and select the option you like:

Another way is to use an ordinary book. Open it to the first page you come across, write down random words. Next, in the resulting set, select, for example, every second letter and change it to Latin. Every fifth is a number, and every seventh is a symbol. Apply the random number method and capitalize five of the remaining letters. The last step is to simply change the location of the words among themselves.

Using the above methods, it is easy to replace the "factory" one or more complex ones.

Step-by-step instructions on how to change a simple password on a Wi-Fi router

To set a complex password on a Wi-Fi device, you need to go to the router itself and make some configuration changes. Here is a reminder on how to password protect a Wi-Fi router.

Open the router configuration page

First, go to the router settings using a browser from any mobile device or workstation. The screenshots below are used as an example only. Each router model will have its own interface, but the names of options and menus remain almost unchanged.

In order to enter the router menu, you need to specify its IP address. It is located on the reverse side:

Type the found address in your browser and go to the page where you can change the password on the router.

Entering your username and password

Enter the specified credentials:

They may differ in different models. In some places the options 1234 or admin are used, and in older models an empty line is sometimes found.

Open the wireless network settings section

Go to the “Wireless Mode” section; in English it is usually called “Wireless Settings”.

This section lists the main wifi settings networks, as well as ways to change the password for a wi-fi router.

The “Wireless Protection” option contains the answer to the question: How to set a Wi-Fi password?

Change the password in the router settings

Go to the mode for selecting custom wireless network options:

In order to change the wi-fi password, you must use the parameters in the window below:

In the field where you need to enter the security key for the wireless network, enter the code word compiled according to the instructions given above.

After the user has changed the code word, it is necessary to save the changes made to the network device configuration.

Check and change security type

Since changing the default password on Wi-Fi equipment is not just about coming up with a new code word, but also setting correct settings, you need to immediately check the encryption protocol – AES. If there is a different value, then change it to AES:

Changing the name of your wireless network

In the router settings, it is possible not only to change the wi-fi password, but also to give a different network name. To use this feature, select “Wireless Settings”:

In the “Network name” field, enter the most suitable name and accept the changes made.

Changing the password to access the router

In the “Previous username” field, enter the login indicated on the back of the router, and in the field below - the code word. Next, create a new login username, a new password and repeat it. After completing all actions, saving the parameters is required.


The article provides instructions that answer frequently asked questions: “How to set a password on a network device,” “How to correctly change a simple password on a Wi-Fi router.” From the screenshots attached to the text, it is easy to understand the steps to quickly change the password on the router. And also, which security key is best to use on the router. Instructions on how to correctly password-protect Wi-Fi on a home computer, suitable for everything Windows versions: 7, 8.1,10. We hope that now the user will not have questions about how to change the old wi-fi password.

Wi-Fi router provides devices (smartphones, laptops, computers) connected to it local network and the Internet. If after installing the router you have not set a password for your Wi-Fi network, then the network is public and anyone within the network’s range can connect to it. Thus, your neighbors or employees of neighboring offices at work can connect to your network and use it, which will lead to losses in Internet speed.

If you already have a password, but someone found it out, then you have no choice but to change the password on your Wi-Fi router to stop the free distribution of your Internet. In this article you will learn how to change the password for all popular Wi-Fi routers.

Procedure for changing the password on the router

As a rule, the configuration of the router and its installation are carried out by people from the provider. However, after some time the user may experience the following problems:
1. The data transfer speed begins to drop significantly.
2. Even when no one in the house is using the wireless network, indicator lights WiFi networks still blinking.
3. If the provider charges for the amount of information transferred in excess of the norm, there is a constant debt on the account, which some attribute to their inattention at first.

All these cases indicate only one thing - someone unknown was able to connect to WiFi by guessing or hacking the password. If the password is not set, then there is no need to even guess.

The way out of this situation is to change the password to a more complex combination. However, we note that hacking a WiFi network password is quite difficult. Therefore, often the cause of problems is the human factor - someone you know, when they were at your home, asked for a password to connect their device, and then told others about it (it’s worth remembering that all devices save passwords for WiFi networks). How to change the password on the router and how to make the network more secure?

When considering the issue of changing the WiFi password, for example, from the Rostelecom provider, you should understand that providers do not produce network routers, but only enter into agreements with various manufacturers for their supply to their customers. You can set a new password on all network routers, but the changing process depends on the characteristics of the router itself.

Provider Rostelecom provides its services with the installation of the following network routers:
1. D-Link.
2. TP-Link.
We will also look at the process of changing the password for routers from other manufacturers.

Changing the Wi-Fi password on a D-Link router

Despite the fact that you can find a huge number of router models on the market from the manufacturer D-Link, you can set or change the WiFi password using the same recommendation. This is due to the fact that the software part of the system remains unchanged, and the models differ only in their characteristics.

The differences may be minor, often affecting only the design and location of menu items.

One of the most popular models from the world famous manufacturer D-Link is the DVG-5402SP. The Rostelecom provider also allows you to install this model. The password change process can be divided into the following stages:

1. Launch any browser, for example Mozzila Firefox or Google Chrome.

2. The model in question has a non-standard router address that you should go to to display the settings panel - You can most often change the password and set other settings in other models of this manufacturer by going to or Setting up a WiFi network occurs through a browser. After going to the browser address, the router panel should open.

2.After you have entered the control panel, go to the WLAN tab. You need to specify the SSID Name (the name of your Wi-Fi connection) and WPA PSK password. After making changes, you must click Apply.

Changing the Wi-Fi password on an ASUS router

1.Open any browser and go to Specify Admin as the login, and Admin as the password.

2. In the left menu, go to the “Wireless Network” setting.

3. Enter the name of your Wi-Fi network in the SSID field, and in the “authentication method” item - WPA2-Personal. This is the most secure method at the moment. In the WPA Pre-Shared Key field, enter the new password for the network and click Apply.

Changing the Wi-Fi password on the ZyXEL router

1. Go to This address is applicable in almost all cases. Only some models have a different home network address; you can find it on the back of the router itself.
2. Next you will see the login panel or the menu itself. If the login panel is the password and login “admin”. If similar meaning does not fit, we reset the settings to factory settings using a special key on the router case.
3. In the router control panel, go to the menu “ Wi-Fi network", "Security" select WPA2-PSK security and enter a new value and click apply.

4. After this, you should reboot the router for the changes to take effect. It is also important not to forget to click on the save button before carrying out the reboot process. Otherwise, you will have to repeat the process again. In some cases, it is recommended to reboot the router itself, not through the virtual panel, but through the button on the device body.

If devices cannot connect to the network

After changing the password, a situation often occurs when it is no longer possible to connect to the created network. The problem is that the login information has changed, and all devices are trying to connect using the old parameters. At the same time, some devices begin to slow down, produce strange errors, and see the network under a different name even in a situation where this data was left.
The way out of the situation is quite simple - you should delete the network on all devices, and then search for access points again and connect using a new password. All problems will immediately disappear and the device will work stably again.