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Turnkey landing page. Turnkey landing page. Determining the target audience

Creating a landing page is quite labor-intensive work. And today, having seen a proposal to develop a turnkey landing page in 4 hours, which will be implemented right in front of you while you are sitting in the office, I decided to write this article.

Show that the whole process is actually very difficult to summarize, not just in 4 hours, even in a whole week.

It was necessary yesterday

The desire of any client is to make a website yesterday. Since usually few people plan it in advance and therefore often order express development from us.

But what does express mean? You are probably now thinking about 5-7 days, including weekends. But you will be surprised when I tell you that our express development takes 10 working days. Notice the word “workers”.

Regular development takes us 21 working days. And it’s not because we are slowing down or all this is done by one person, but because if you need to do it well, you need to do it with detailed elaboration.

And this is not a lot of fuss, this is quite a large number of steps that we will now consider.

By the way, if you think that making a landing page on the designer will take a couple of hours, well, days, then you are also very mistaken.

If you decide to do this for the first time and on your own, you will most likely give up on it, although I can recommend perhaps the best landing page designer for such purposes. But let's return to our steps.

1. Company audit

It seems like a banality, I filled out the brief and went to work, but no. This is not our approach. We specifically avoided briefs because they cannot reveal all the information, as we can do in a conversation.

And since the site is one of the most important, our conversation consists of 100 questions that allow us to understand who you are and what yours is.

The most interesting thing is that the audit does not end only with this conversation, because in addition to the fact that new questions will appear during the process, they will also appear the very next day.

Since any normal person needs time to assimilate the material and structure it.

And when this process happens in your head, you inadvertently come up with new ideas that can be connected to the future layout.

That is why good specialists not only package what you have, but also offer their ideas, which in part can be many times more valuable than a website.


2. Competitor analysis

As much as I don’t want to believe it, competitors create the battlefield, the framework and its boundaries. And it’s not that you need to look up to them during turnkey development, you need to, at a minimum, definitely take them into account.

I'm watching...

Because it might happen that we will focus on something that a competitor will calmly “crush” with his offer.

In other words, without analyzing the market and competitors, movement will be like walking along the edge with your eyes closed.

What to hide, in some cases you can even take their proposal and improve it. This may sound strange since everyone wants to be unique.

But in some areas it is quite difficult to come up with something radically new, so why take on the creation of a bicycle that someone has already taken and invented. It’s better to move on and create a motorcycle, car or plane based on them.

3. Determining the target audience

In the preparatory block, we still need to identify the target audience and describe it. Although many customers beat themselves in the chest that they already know it.

But in fact, when developing the structure of a selling website, we need to know it differently. This is what a correctly painted target audience looks like:

Target Audience

In private, we create a landing page not just for the target audience, but for a specific one.

Important. We don’t always do this, because not all companies have a clearly defined avatar.

And besides, not all companies need to do this, since with this approach you need to follow the strategy of 1 avatar = 1 page. And for this you need a larger budget, which is not always available.

Stage execution time: 1 day

4. Development of structure and concept

Few people know, much less rely on it, but creation is based on pains, fears, benefits and criteria.

That is why we always take step three, and only then develop the structure and concept. Which includes:

  1. What style will the landing page be made in?
  2. What blocks will there be;
  3. What ideas do they convey?
  4. What order will there be?

Moreover, it is better to implement this not in one day, since, according to the above-mentioned rule, the next day some brilliant idea may dawn on the specialists involved in the project.

And usually she comes at the moment when they fell asleep. After all, the most brilliant ideas usually come before bed.

Stage execution time: 2 days

5. Creating a landing page prototype

Quite an important document, since it is the one that is presented to the client in the form of the site structure.

You could say this is your future landing page, only without the design. Based on the prototype, the client determines the fate of the entire idea.

Therefore, in addition to the fact that we prepare it in the form in which the client must unequivocally say “Yes,” we also prepare a presentation with arguments why it should be done this way and not otherwise. By the way, the prototype looks like this:


It is in this block that buttons or all call actions, all capture forms and everything are added.

Here the marketer works to the limit of his capabilities. After all, if he makes a mistake at this stage, then there will be problems with further changes to the design and programming of the site.

And even more so, I’m not talking about the fact that the site may simply not work, which means wasted time and money.

Important. Don't step on a rake that hundreds of other people have stepped on. The prototype should be developed by a marketer, not a designer or programmer. Everyone should mind their own business!

Stage execution time: 2 days + 2 days design approval with the customer

6. Writing text

Did you really think that it was at stage 5 that the prototype was presented? Of course not. We'll have to wait a little longer.

No, no and no again

Because there are no texts there yet, and without this, not a single advertising medium can exist. Therefore, selling texts and headlines are drawn onto the finished prototype.

And I don’t want to inflate the price, but to write a really catchy text, you need to spend more than one sheet of paper, since the first time it’s almost impossible to write a concise text that hits the target.

To do this, we connect the brain of more than one person, since we need a look at all this from the outside. After all, it has long been proven that everyone understands the same words differently.

And for this you don’t need to go to a fortune teller, you just need to say “Imagine a car,” after which everything will be immediately clear, since everyone will imagine their own car, which is not similar to the other. It's the same with text.

Stage execution time: 1 day

7. Design visualization

So we have come to what all customers consider the most important thing - the design of our joint creation.

And yet, we try to create a design that creates a feeling of high cost and status of the company, and at the same time, most importantly, reinforces and focuses attention on the meanings we need.

At this stage, it almost never happens that the client immediately approves the execution, since even though it’s five kopecks, you still have to insert your own. And I won’t hide the fact that it’s rare, but I still have to draw everything again.

That is why we first request sites that the client likes/dislikes and then show him the first 2-3 developed blocks, after which we proceed to the rest.

Stage execution time: 3 days + 2 days design approval with the customer

In modern Internet business, many entrepreneurs have managed to order a turnkey landing page because they have heard about the effectiveness of this instrument increasing sales. At the same time, practice shows that not all landing pages are profitable, and some even become a source of losses. The reason for such a negative result is often the business owners themselves, who want to order an inexpensive landing page.

Businessmen often have a superficial knowledge of Landing Page from amateur blogs, which is why they may insist on introducing obviously ineffective solutions into a project, regardless of whether a turnkey landing page is being made for just 500 rubles by a freelancer or an expensive project is being developed in a leading studio. Let's look at the 4 most common misconceptions among people who decide to buy a turnkey landing page.

Longer is better

Some people believe that a large amount of information on a long landing page will still convince the user to make a purchase. This is not always the case: creating a turnkey landing page means developing a dynamic website that prevents the target audience from getting distracted and losing interest. No one will read continuous text, so the benefits need to be described concisely, placing emphasis, using infographics.

Block “how are we better than our competitors”

There is a reasonable opinion among marketers that this block does not bring real benefits. If you ordered a turnkey landing page, the price of which is high and you want to see a similar list, then you should not give it the most noticeable areas landing page. The average user is usually critical; he understands that the text was written by a business owner who will not scold himself. Therefore, use a split test that will tell you whether such a block is needed on your landing page.

More triggers - more sales

Triggers are the most important tool for creating an effective Landing Page, but they must be used wisely, in the right place and in the right quantity. Turnkey landing page development should not be limited to adding counters, beliefs in high quality product, calls to action, etc. From the point of view of the target audience, this may be perceived as an intention to “sell” a product or service, and if the visitor feels discomfort, this will only worsen the conversion of your page.

Copy leader

Many web studios have experience communicating with customers who are interested in how much it costs to make a turnkey landing page that completely imitates a competitor’s landing page. This is the wrong strategy because the target audience will quickly notice plagiarism. As a result, the potential buyer understands that you cannot offer anything original, which means there is no reason to give preference to your project. In addition, when you copy a competitor's design, you also copy all his mistakes, since you cannot know how effective the competitor's design is or what problems he has. It is also important that in serious niches you can get a lawsuit for copying someone else’s landing page.

Creating a turnkey landing page has the following benefits:

  1. Landing page is the most effective way promoting products on the Internet. This concerns the speed of return on investment - a small investment will pay for itself within a few weeks.
  2. Landing pages are attractive to the largest number of buyers. Beautiful design, user-friendly interface and selling text will attract many people.
  3. Maximum attention on one product. A landing resource is created for a specific product or service. Everything will be dedicated to ensuring that the site guest buys the product.

How does creating a landing page differ from a regular website?

The main difference between a regular multi-page website and a landing page is that the former is a larger resource that includes several pages with information, images and other content elements.

In turn, the landing page has only one page. All information on this type of site is on one single page and is evenly distributed across it from top to bottom.

From a sales point of view, a multi-page website introduces a potential client to the products or services offered, and the information contained on it already at this stage encourages him to purchase. The landing page performs a slightly different function. It is intended only to encourage site visitors to leave their contact information: telephone number, address email etc.

A single landing page contains all the necessary information regarding the product or service being offered. A prerequisite for a landing page is that it always contains:

  • form feedback(or just applications);
  • title;
  • call to action.

At the same time, the application form is located in the most visible place. It is also presented in the form of a ready-made form for filling out. The site visitor does not need to click on any buttons for it to appear on the screen.

Each of the required elements of the landing page performs its function and “leads” the potential client to the target action and result. In this case, the contact information received. The direct sale of the offered goods/services will be handled by the company's sales managers or other personnel responsible for this.