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What to do if shockwave flash does not respond. Shockwave Flash slows down your computer - Looking for the culprits! Problems with Google Chrome

From time to time, some users wonder what the Shockwave Flash plugin is. Everyone should understand this topic. The thing is that browsers often cannot process this or that information without a special set of modules. They are called plugins. The absence of these makes the work of an Internet browser impossible. And therefore you have to figure out for what purposes this or that application is needed.


What is the Shockwave Flash plugin? Every PC user will hear the name of this module sooner or later. Especially those who often work on the Internet.

Shockwave Flash is a package of modules necessary for the normal functioning of flash animation. Used to correctly display graphic files and media in an Internet browser.

As long as there is no Flash on the computer, the user will not be able to enjoy watching a movie, listening to music or looking at pictures on the Internet. Therefore, the plugin plays an important role for any Internet browser.

How to install: step by step instructions

We found out what the Shockwave Flash plugin is. Now it’s worth understanding how to install it.

On at the moment Flash is built into some Internet browsers by default. For example, in Chrome and Yandex. It is enough to initialize the appropriate browsers to start working with the application you are studying. If desired, the user can update the utility manually.

Ideally, Shockwave Flash is installed by users separately from their browsers. To do this you need:

  1. Connect your PC to the Network.
  2. Launch your browser and find home page"Adobe Flash". Go to it.
  3. Set software download and installation parameters. On the main screen you can check the boxes additional programs from "Adobe", which will be initialized together with "Flash".
  4. Click on the big yellow button. It will say “Download and...”.
  5. Wait a while. The download of the plugin will begin.
  6. Launch the Shockwave Flash installer.
  7. Close all browsers, and then follow the onscreen instructions.

In just a few minutes, the user will be able to install the graphic module for the Internet browser. It's not that difficult. The corresponding software is updated in the same way.

Important: If you do not close your browsers before initializing Shockwave Flash, an error message will appear on your screen. It is recommended to disable anti-virus protection on your PC before installing the software.

Quick start

We found out what "Adobe Flash" is. Now how to activate the corresponding plugin? There are various options for the development of events.

The first of them is the use of a window in which you need to play Flash files. The Shockwave Flash plugin is activated this way:

  1. Launch the Internet browser. You need to wait until it is fully loaded, there is no need to rush.
  2. Go to the website where you need to use the Shockwave Flash plugin.
  3. Click on the "Enable..." hyperlink in the player.
  4. After these steps, the player will be updated. The user will see a picture in it. Flash is activated!

Important: this technique works in all browsers, so it can be considered universal.

Activation via settings

Now the answer to the question of what is the Shockwave Flash plugin will no longer make users wonder. It remains to figure out how to enable the corresponding service.

Activating Flash through the Internet browser settings is quite common. Here you can immediately enable the function of automatically using the Shockwave Flash plugin on pages where it is necessary.

Instructions for bringing your idea to life are presented as follows:

  1. Go to the main browser settings and open the "Plugins" menu. In some browsers you will have to look in the "Add-ons" or " Additional options".
  2. Find “Adobe Flash” in the menu that appears.
  3. Click on the link at the bottom of the corresponding block that says “Enable”.
  4. Restart the browser.

Shockwave Flash plugin is activated. There is nothing difficult about it.


As we have already said, users can easily enable the option to automatically use Flash on the pages of various sites. How to do this?

You will need:

  1. Go to "Plugins" in the selected Internet browser.
  2. Find the Shockwave Flash plugin.
  3. Check the box/set the value "Always run...".

That's enough. After saving the changes, "Flash Player" will start automatically turning on.

From the address bar

Shockwave Flash in Opera and other browsers can be enabled taking into account the use of the address bar. This technique allows you to quickly go to the "Plugins" section of the selected application.

In the case of Opera, in the browser address bar you need to write - opera://plugins, in Mozilla - about://addons, in Chrome - chrome://components, and in Yandex - yandex:/ /plugins.

As soon as the user types the appropriate command, they will need to press Enter. To enable Shockwave Flash, you can use one of the previously studied guides.

Opera is an almost perfect browser in every way. It has a user-friendly interface, loads pages quickly, and supports a large number of add-ons. The developers are constantly working to improve it, and they are very successful. Although there are malfunctions even with this Internet browser. And one of the most common errors is that the shockwave flash plugin in Opera stops working.

Disabling a plugin

Often the cause of the problem is a conflict between several players built into the browser. This can be fixed. To do this, launch the browser and begin to get rid of the shockwave flash error, Opera is not responding.

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Go to the Websites section.
  3. In the Plugins item, select the inscription that offers to disable some of them.
  4. After this, a list of all plugins installed in the browser will appear.
  5. We find Adobe Flash Player and click Disable.

Attention! The given algorithm of actions is suitable for new versions of the browser. If you are using Opera 11 or 12, you can get to the plugins by entering opera:plagins in the search bar.

If you know what the shockwave plugin is flash opera, then you understand that after the operation you have access to some resources. Despite the fact that, for example, YouTube offers an HTML5 player, a Flash player is still required for normal viewing. Therefore, we leave the main one and disable all the others, as shown above.

Advice. In some cases, in order to fix the error, you just need to restart the browser. Try closing it, logging in again and checking if the problem goes away.

Plugin service

If an error occurs: shockwave flash does not respond to opera, you can use a special service. With its help you can find out whether the player is installed, activated and what version is being used. In order to switch to it, in address bar is entered. Select the desired add-on from the list. Next, click the Check now button.

After this, a window will appear in front of the user, which will indicate which shockwave flash opera plugin is installed, as well as the name operating system. If you see a green checkmark on the screen, then everything is fine. If there is a red exclamation mark in front of the page, then most likely the shockwave flash opera plugin error is related to this.

Next to the icon there will be a detailed description of the problem . This is usually an outdated version of the plugin. Therefore, you will need to make an update. The second item on the page contains a link to latest version plugin. Therefore, you won’t have to search for anything, but simply click on the link, and the service will redirect you to the official website from where updates are downloaded. Thus, the developers made sure to have a convenient service that allows you to find out the necessary information about the plugin. The downside is that there is only an English version so far, but this is not a big problem even for those who do not know the language well.

Shockwave Flash is a fairly important component of an Internet browser. But errors may occur in its operation, as a result of which the user will have limited access to media files located on some network resources. To fix the problem, you will need to find out what exactly led to it. Usually this is either an outdated version of the player that will need to be updated, or several similar plugins at once that block each other’s work. In the latter case, you will need to disable unnecessary extensions and leave only the ones you use.

Good day, friends! The Shockwave Flash plugin is responsible for displaying graphics in games, applications and video content. It just so happens that the developers of popular browsers have not fully integrated their programs with this plugin, which is why such crashing errors appear. Today we will try to correct the situation when Shockwave Flash is not responding.

First, simply restart your computer and look at the result after rebooting the system. This easy method will help if you have encountered a similar error once or for the first time. If the Shockwave Flash plugin frequently or constantly fails, read below.

Instant solution to problem in Google Chrome when Shockwave Flash plugin is not responding

Browser Google Chrome Most users use it, so we’ll start with it. This browser, in addition to its bells and whistles, has one more feature - it contains Adobe Flash Player is already built-in, meaning there is no need to download, install and update this component. If several similar plugins are installed in Chrome, then for this reason conflicts may arise between them. As a result, we see that the Shockwave Flash plugin is not responding.

So, to determine which plugins are installed in Google browser Chrome, enter “chrome://plugins” in the address bar.

A window with installed plugins will open in front of you, where you need to find Adobe Flash Player. Look carefully, if the message “2 files” is present, then the plugin crash is most likely due to this.

To solve the problem, disable one of the plugins. Click the “More details” link and see we have two plugins, disable one of them.

We restart the browser and try to launch the video or application, after launching which an error occurred with Shockwave Flash. If the problem is solved, great; if not, try disabling another plugin by enabling the first one. Restart the browser again and take a look. Most likely the problem will go away. If this does not help, then try downloading the latest version of Adobe Player from the link and updating/installing.

Shockwave flash plugin does not respond in Mozilla Firefox or Opera

If you see a similar error in the Opera browser, then follow these steps. First, type “opera:plugins” into the address bar and press enter.

Next, in the window with installed plugins, find Shockwave Flash and disable it using the “Disable” button.

Turn off, turn on Opera and check.

If you encounter a similar error in Mozilla Firefox, go to “Tools” - “Add-ons” - “Plugins”. Same here, find the Shockwave Flash plugin and disable it.

After all the above steps in any browser, you can get rid of the error “ Shockwave flash plugin is not responding", spending about a minute. If you know any other methods that will help solve a similar problem, then be sure to describe the actions in the comments, because helping others increases karma, don’t forget about it! That's all, thanks for your attention!

A plugin of this type is a wonderful development that is responsible for displaying graphics, quality of various games and other elements in computer system. Many users experience problems with this program.
How can you solve the problem? in a simple way? Please note that the browser, where Flash playback is not required, will work exactly the same as before the program crashed.

Shockwave Flash plugin not responding? - Quick solution in Google Chrome

To fix this problem, you can use the most basic method and restart your computer. But this will only help if the failure occurred without repetition. If the plugin crashes systematically and rebooting does not help in this case, then the problem can be solved within two (maximum five) minutes.

In modern society, the most popular browser among Internet users is Google Chrome. Other types of browsers are equipped with a standalone version Adobe Flash Player, and Chrome has an integrated version, that is, the plugin is updated along with the browser.
Users who have two or more plugins on their computer are more likely to encounter a problem of this nature, since competition often arises between them. To check whether this is true or not, enter chrome://plugins in the address bar and click the " Enter».
In the window that appears in front of you, find the line with the name Adobe Flash Player.

Focusing on the line called “ Location", select one of the plugins that you want to disable. Remove it by clicking the appropriate button. If the version of Adobe Flash Player has not been updated up to this point, by closing your browser, you can download and install it here without any problems. If your problem is not solved this way, try, on the contrary, disabling the second plugin and leaving the first one in working order.

Shockwave Flash - solution in Opera and Mozilla Firefox browsers

Problems with Shockwave also occur when working in a browser called Opera. You can fix this problem by entering opera:plugins in the address bar and pressing the “Enter” button.
A window will appear in front of you in which you can find a plugin called Shockwave Flash and disable it.

Some Yandex Browser users may encounter a situation where, while launching or watching a video, an error message about the Shockwave Flash plugin unexpectedly appears. In this article I will tell you what this plugin is, what it is responsible for, why the error occurs - the Shockwave Flash module does not respond in the Yandex browser and how to fix it.

The mentioned Shockwave Flash plugin is a software module that implements in browsers (not only Yandex, but also Chrome, Mozilla, Opera, IE, etc.) the functionality of Adobe Shockwave - a multimedia software platform that includes the Shockwave Player and Adobe content creation tools Director.

The plugin greatly expands the capabilities of the browser in interactive interaction with the user and the presentation of visual information (playing videos, using them in gaming programs, 3D vector animation, etc.).

If you have them periodically, find out how to fix them, because before the error described in this article, I was haunted by the above mentioned ones.

We solve the problem when the Shockwave Flash module does not respond in the Yandex browser

Before starting to outline options for solving the problem, I would advise you to first simply restart your browser, and if the problem persists, restart your computer. Perhaps the Shockwave Flash lag is an unfortunate accident, but in general your system works stably and without failures. If the plugin’s dysfunction has become systematic and repeats regularly, then read the tips below.

Solution 1. Remove unnecessary plugins

The most common reason why the Shockwave Flash module error occurs is the presence of two or more flash players in one browser. Moreover, one of them quite naturally conflicts with the other over the execution of the processes intended for them.

How it looks visually is shown in the video:

Usually, after performing these steps, the problem with Shockwave Flash disappears. To check the functionality of the plugin, go to the plugin developer’s website, and click “Check it now” to check the functionality of the player.

If the error persists, try returning to the installed plugins menu, where you can swap the active and disabled plugins.

Solution 2: Update your Shockwave Player

If the Shockwave Flash module in the Yandex browser continues to not respond, you can also try downloading the latest version of Shockwave Player from the developer’s website. It is quite possible that your current player is simply outdated and does not allow you to play all modern functionality. To download, go to the developer's website and download the latest version of the product.

Solution 3: Update your browser

If the first and second options do not help, you can try updating your Yandex browser. With the latest version you will get all the latest versions of the plugins and the problem can be solved.

You can also completely remove Yandex browser, restart your computer, and then install new version. This option helped some of the users.

By the way, check if the items are included Adobe Flash in your browser. It happens that by some unfortunate accident they turn out to be disabled. If they are disabled, enable them by going to the module settings as indicated.


Usually, the problem with the dysfunction of the Shockwave Flash plugin is solved by disabling its duplicate in the browser settings. If this does not help, you can try disabling the first one and enabling another plugin, restarting your browser and updating Shockwave Player, and if this does not help, then try uninstalling and then installing a new version of Yandex.Browser. But in the vast majority of cases, simply disabling one of the conflicting plugins presented is sufficient to achieve a response from the Shockwave Flash module.