
Osu requirements. system requirements. Via USB

Valve posted online new version his operating system SteamOS. The first version was quite crude and I advised installing this distribution only to enthusiasts who were willing to spend personal time installing the OS and sending reports with errors. I left in the article 2 old methods of installing the beta version of SteamOS, since users unfamiliar with the command line or BIOS may encounter difficulties installing the system. Further in the text you will find a button to download the current version of SteamOS and a translation of the official installation guide, as well as additional material for bypassing UEFI (UEFI (Unified EFI Interface) is a standard firmware interface for computers that replaces BIOS). The guide is written in language that is easy to understand for advanced users who don't need to decipher every step of the installation process. If you still have a lot of questions after reading the installation guide, you can now download SteamOS with an update that fixes a number of bugs, but also comes with its own fully automated installer. Now this OS can be installed by gamers who don’t understand anything about Linux, but want to try out the “Big Picture” mode, implemented as a separate independent OS.

For those wishing to learn more about Steam Machines and Steam Controller, I recommend early articles on, which can be found using the tags. Current version of Steam OS with automatic installer via the link below:

SteamOS | System Requirements

  • CPU: 64-bit Intel or AMD
  • RAM: 4 GB or more
  • HDD: 500 GB or more (recommended, the OS does not use this amount)
  • GPU: NVIDIA (AMD and Intel support coming in the future)
  • Additionally: USB port and UEFI support

Installing STEAM OS

There are 2 options for installing the OS:

  1. recommended standard with a system clone that has pre-configuration and uses CloneZilla.
  2. manual installation using the Debian installer on which the system is based.

Attention: Both methods entail complete loss of data on the computer! It is recommended to use a virtual machine.

Standard installation

To install, you will need a USB flash drive onto which you need to load the OS.

  1. Download
  2. Format the USB flash drive to FAT32 format. Use "SYSRESTORE" as the partition name.
  3. Unpack the downloaded onto a flash drive.
  4. Insert the flash drive into the switched off computer on which you plan to install the system. Start the computer and, if necessary, select launch from a flash drive in the BIOS. Typically, you need to press F8, F11 or F12 to enter the BIOS.
  5. Make sure you select UEFI. The line looks like “UEFI: Patriot Memory PMAP”. If there is no entry for UEFI, you will need to enable support for it in the BIOS.
  6. Select "Restore Entire Disk" from the GRUB menu.
  7. When completed, the computer will turn off. Launch it to log into SteamOS.

Manual installation

  1. Download
  2. Unpack the archive onto an empty flash drive formatted in file system FAT32.
  3. Insert the USB flash drive into the switched off computer on which you plan to install the OS. Start the computer and, if necessary, select boot from USB drive in the BIOS. Typically, the F8, F11 or F12 keys are used to enter the BIOS.
  4. Make sure you select UEFI, it may look like "UEFI: Patriot Memory PMAP". If there is no entry for UEFI, you will need to enable support for it in the BIOS.
  5. Select "Automated install" from the menu.
  6. The installation will take place automatically.
  7. Once complete, log in (using a Gnome session) with the preset account "steam" and password "steam". Launch SteamOS, accept the terms of use and let the system update. Log out of your account.
  8. Log in to your “desktop” account with the password “desktop”.
  9. From the terminal, run “run ~/”. You will be asked for a password, enter "desktop". The script will perform customization, delete itself and reboot the computer into recovery mode.
  10. In this mode, press "y" to restore. Once complete, start your computer as usual.

If the computer does not support UEFI

The instructions below may end badly for your PC.

  1. Download from here.
  2. Download the files from the links below and write them to a flash drive in the “grub” folder:
  3. Unzip to a flash drive.
  4. From the downloaded above, extract the “bios/win32” and “bios/mbr” folders to the “syslinux” folder on the flash drive.
  5. Open command line with administrator rights and enter the command, where d is the letter corresponding to your flash drive: d:\syslinux\win32\syslinux.exe --install --mbr --active d:
  6. Create a file “syslinux.cfg” on the flash drive and place the following text in it: DEFAULT linux TIMEOUT 50 LABEL linux kernel install.amd/vmlinuz append initrd=install.amd/gtk/initrd.gz preseed/file=/cdrom/default.preseed DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer desktop=steamos auto=true priority=critical video=vesa:ywrap,mtrr vga=788 -- quiet
  7. Insert the flash drive into the PC to install the OS, and launch it. The installer should appear.
  8. The installation will fail on grub, since grub-pc is missing, hold down “Ctrl+Alt” and press “F2” to go to the command line, press “Enter” to activate.
  9. Type the following command, don't select anything, just click OK and then Yes: chroot /target /bin/bash apt-get install grub-common grub2-common dpkg -i /media/cdrom/grub/grub-pc- bin_1.99-27+deb7u1+steamos3+bsos1_amd64.deb dpkg -i /media/cdrom/grub/grub-pc_1.99-27+deb7u1+steamos3+bsos1_amd64.deb
  10. When finished, hold Ctrl+Alt and F5 to return to the interface.
  11. Click "Continue" to continue, select "Yes" to install to MBR, installation is completed.
  12. We then follow the manual installation described above.

Hit scoring system.

Firstly, a certain number of points are awarded for hitting a circle:

  • 300 points for hitting the beat perfectly.
  • 100 points for hitting the beat almost perfectly.
  • 50 points for “almost missing” the beat.

Naturally, if you miss the circle, you will be counted as a miss.

On sliders, the scoring system is somewhat different; it depends not so much on accurately hitting the start, but on accurately guiding the “ball along the road”:

  • 300 points hitting the start and passing perfectly.
  • 100 points hitting the start, but losing half of the “ticks” of the slider, or missing the start, but passing the slider perfectly.
  • 50 points loss of all slider ticks except one. The easiest way to get 50 on a slider is to confuse it with a circle.

A miss on the slider is counted if it was not hit at all.

On spinners, scoring depends on how many revolutions are made relative to the spinning time. A miss is scored if the stripes on the side of the spinner are not filled to the end. Also, for each revolution “on top” of full promotion, 1000 points are given.

Overall accuracy rating system.

Accuracy = (Total Score)/(Total Number of Hits*300)

Don't understand anything? Let me explain now:

Total number of hits = (Number of misses + Number 50 + Quantity 100 + Quantity 300 )

Total count = (Number 50 )*50 + (Qty. 100 )*100 + (Qty. 300 )*300

That is, if you knock out one on a song 300 , then the first equation will result in one, which means 100% accuracy. And if you knock out one 100 the same equation will result in 0.333..., which accordingly gives 33.33% accuracy.

Using the same formula, the overall accuracy is calculated as All completed songs.

Multiplication system (combo).

From these actions the combination will increase:

  • Hitting in a circle.
  • Hitting the start of the slider.
  • Hitting the “ticks” and the end of the slider.
  • Successfully spun spinner.

These actions, on the contrary, will reset the combination to zero:

  • Miss in a circle.
  • Hitting the slider start too early.
  • Missing the start of the slider or its “tick”.
  • Underspun spinner.

Missing the end of the slider does not reset the combination. However, it does not increase it. Because of this, an incident may arise: the song is played (seemingly) perfectly, but Perfect is not given due to the fact that Full Combo, for example, is 555, and the player has 554.


  • SS 100% accuracy.
  • S more than 90% 300, less than 1% 50 and not a single miss.
  • A more than 80% 300 and not a single miss OR more than 90% 300 , if there are mistakes.
  • B more than 70% 300 and no misses OR more than 80% 300 , if there are mistakes.
  • C more than 60% 300 .
  • D in all other cases.

If S or SS is indicated by a "Platinum" or "Silver" color, then the map was completed with the "Hidden" and/or "Flashlight" mods.


Total in Osu! There are 3 facilitating, 5 complicating and 5 special mods - add-ons that slightly change the gameplay. They also change the multiplier when scoring.

  • Easy reduces the overall complexity of the map. Multiplier x0.5.
  • NoFail disables song completion on failure. Multiplier x0.5.
  • HalfTime slows down the song by half. Multiplier x0.3.
  • HardRock increases the overall difficulty of the map. The opposite of Easy. Multiplier x1.06.
  • SuddenDeath one miss leads to instant “failure.” The opposite of NoFail. Multiplier x1.00.
  • DoubleTime - speeds up the song twice. The opposite of HalfTime. Multiplier x1.12.
  • Hidden circles appear for a split second and disappear, forcing you to navigate the map blindly, from memory. Multiplier x1.06.
  • Flashlight"game with a flashlight" The entire screen is dark, only a small area around the pointer is visible. Multiplier x1.12.
  • NoVideo disables video during the game. Doesn't affect anything.
  • Relax relax, just move your mouse, the game will click on the circles for you. Multiplier x0, i.e. the game is not rated.
  • AutoPilot the opposite of Relax now the game is driven by the mouse and you click. The game is not rated.
  • SpunOut the game will automatically spin the spinners. Not rated.
  • Auto shows a replay of a perfect map run.

The multipliers complement each other. Those. with all facilitating mods enabled, the total multiplier will be: 0.5 * 0.5 * 0.3 = 0.075 (rounded up to 0.08 in the game). That is, with perfect completion in this mode, you can earn only 8% of the ideal “modless game”.

The specifics of PC gaming are such that before you begin, you must first familiarize yourself with its system requirements and relate it to the existing configuration.

To do this simple action, you don’t need to know the exact technical specifications each model of processors, video cards, motherboards and other components of any personal computer. A simple comparison of the main lines of components will suffice.

For example, if a game's minimum system requirements include a processor of at least Intel Core i5, then you shouldn't expect it to run on i3. However, it is more difficult to compare processors from different manufacturers, which is why developers often indicate names from two main companies - Intel and AMD (processors), Nvidia and AMD (video cards).

Above are system requirements. It is worth noting that the division into minimum and recommended configurations is done for a reason. It is believed that meeting the minimum requirements is enough to start the game and complete it from beginning to end. However, to achieve the best performance, you usually have to lower the graphics settings.

Thus, thanks to an understanding of the basic principles of component classification, absolutely anyone can sensibly assess the possibility of startup and correct operation - and it is the system requirements that will help with this.