
What is Uzbagoysya and where did it come from? Internet memes: what are “Uzbagoysya” and “Mexican epandos”? versions of the origin of the meme “Uzbagoysya”

Get comfortable— an advice meme with a stubborn lemur asking you to calm down.


The meme has been circulating around the Internet since the fall of 2013. The picture is completely uncomplicated. It depicts a lemur with an outstretched paw and an indifferent, frozen face. The meme appeared when this image was decorated with phrases that begin with the word “get rid of it...”.

Here the “padonkaf” manner of distorting words is associated with the image of the lemur Maurice from the cartoon “Penguins of Madagascar”, who has a terrible lisp. This meme was invented by a certain young man. Every time his girlfriend started getting nervous, he would send a picture to immediately calm her down. Soon the lemur's physiognomy appeared for everyone to see and began to gain enormous popularity among Internet users.


This meme is used in cases where a situation of acute conflict is brewing and it needs to be defused immediately in order to avoid negative consequences in the future. The picture has several interpretations. Therefore, in the remake version, the “Uzbagoy” meme is most often used to ridicule someone else’s unreasonable anxiety or panic.


The Internet has become a second reality for us, with its own culture, its own rules and laws, in which everything spreads very quickly, as, in fact, in real reality thanks to the same Internet) So the meme “Uzbagoysya” spread instantly and even caught some get it, to which he can only answer “Uzbagoysya”)

It’s unlikely that anyone will determine exactly where it came from now, but let’s try)

6 versions of the origin of the “Uzbagoysya” meme

Version 1. So says King Julian from the famous cartoon "Madagascar". However, everyone who specifically reviewed this cartoon says that there is no such thing there. maybe not all versions of the translations were looked at?) After all, Julian really has a speech impediment... and someone could have translated him exactly like that.

Version 2. Once upon a time there lived a dude and he had a very nervous girlfriend, and even with a speech impediment, or maybe that same dude had a speech impediment, and not his girlfriend, or maybe it was not a speech impediment, but a banal cold and a stuffy nose. And then one day, after another quarrel, he drew her that same lemur with the same “Uzbagoy” in order to somehow cheer up and calm the girl.

Version 3. Like many things here, everything comes to us from the decaying West) First there, then here, there is no word “Uzbagoysya” there, of course, there is no such thing, but... something similar could be. Well, the padonkaff language superimposed on top, in which distortion is accepted, made it) out of the ordinary, calm down, the same “get over it”)

Version 4. Everything happened without the decaying West, it was just the Russian language itself that rotted, or maybe not rotten, but just developing that way. However, apparently, this branch of development has not taken root and, according to the theory of evolution, will soon decline.

Version 5. There was a guy who had a narrow bag (well, it’s kind of fashionable to say that) and somehow, while getting ready to go somewhere very quickly with a friend, he couldn’t stuff something into his narrow bag and was very nervous about it , which is what his friend eventually told him to do, fuck off, dude)

Version 6. Once upon a time there was a programmer and he had a UZ Daewoo Matiz with a bunch of bugs, for which he nicknamed it Uzbag (the fact that he was an Uzbek Matiz, and not a programmer, also played a role). Well, friends, in the end, when he was nervous about his car, they calmed him down with something that came from the Matiz’s nickname “Uzbagoysya”)

What does this have to do with the lemur?

Okay, you say, okay, so be it... but why the lemur? After all, only the version about Madagascar has a lemur? Ok, I answer...more precisely, look at the picture)

Just peace of mind, right?)

By the way, the group “Factor 2″ has a song called “Uzbagoysya”, watch the video)

Well, the words from the song:

I'll live with you, get over it, get over it, get over it.

I'll live with you, get over it, get over it, get over it.
Why are you a restless dagaya, dagaya, dagaya.

Do you have your own opinion? Write in the comments!

Members of social networks call a meme anything that spontaneously gains popularity in the Internet environment, starting from a funny phrase of a famous politician, ending with any information that did not leave users indifferent to it.

Memes are spread on the Internet in all possible ways - by email, in instant messengers, on forums, blogs, etc.

Most often, memes do not carry any semantic load, but they can easily replace long expressions. P The appeal of a meme lies in its popularity. A stale meme quickly turns into a “boyanist,” and a person who uses stale memes on the Internet is called a “boyanist.”

How did the meme come about?

The term "meme" was first usedOxford professor Richard Dawkinsin his book The Selfish Gene in 1976. In it, he calls a “meme” a unit of cultural information capable of “reproducing.” The word "meme" in the book is analogous to a gene, which is a unit of cultural transmission.

The most popular memes of 2013?

Among Yandex users, the most popular memes of 2013 were “Talking Hamster”, “Mexican Epandos” and “Harlem Shake”.

What do popular memes mean?

A meme that consists of a picture of a lemur and the caption “uzbagoysya” (“calm down”). One of the first memes with a lemur and the caption “get over it” was posted on the Pikabu portal. With its help, the author calmed his girlfriend. Many people liked the picture, and the meme quickly spread across blogs, social networks and image boards.

Talking hamster— a video in which a repeating toy teases a traffic police officer. In fact, the video is a viral advertisement. It was posted on March 1 by the viral marketing agency Smetana, on the sixth day the number of views exceeded 4 million.

Mimimi- an interjection that expresses affection. This is how the lemur squeaks in the cartoon “Madagascar”.

Today we decided to tell you about one very popular joke on the Internet - “ Get comfortable" Let's talk about where it came from, what it means and how to deal with it :). To begin with, we probably need to tell you what an internet meme is.

Memes are most often just a picture or some kind of inscription against the background of something, which very quickly gains popularity on the Internet, and not only on the Internet. Often, such Internet memes are made against the backdrop of space, forest, water or anything else. Most often, these jokes, if you can call it that, come to us from the West, when it has already lost its popularity there. And, by the way, this kind of thing doesn’t last very long in our country either. The average lifespan of such memes is a couple of months, after which they are forgotten and something new is invented.

This is how the popularity of such Internet memes as “Stoned Fox” or “Down and Bird” has already passed. Also, such memes most often gain popularity in social networks, since there is a large audience that constantly shares news, links, photos, and so on. Thanks to this scheme, many jokes become very popular, but, as mentioned earlier, for a short period of time.

Lemur Uzbagoysya

One of the latest memes is “ Get comfortable”, which appeared around August 2013 and is still alive to this day, but now its popularity has begun to decrease greatly and lately the “Zbogoyny” lemur with a paw has become less and less visible.

So where did this Internet meme come from? — Opinions differ here, in fact, as always happens. It is impossible to say anything with certainty, but you can find several options for how this could have happened. To begin with, there is an option that on the Pikabu portal (who doesn’t know what it is, search for help) one user claimed that with the help of this lemur he often made peace with his girlfriend. It is unclear, however, how this helped him, and he could not explain where the photo itself came from. But for users this is not necessary, they eat everything. After this, it was Pikabu users who began promoting this Internet meme. Once contacted, any meme can achieve popularity.

There is also an opinion that in the animated series “Penguins of Madagascar” one of the penguins, named Morim, who was a servant of the king, was often nervous. Maurice himself was a pessimist, and the king, Julian, an optimist lemur, constantly told him this very phrase - “Go away.” Perhaps due to the speech defects of the Russian translator or simply for some other reason, our people heard exactly this phrase, which they successfully promoted on the Internet.

But it is quite possible that this lemur from the meme is as old as other memes, it was just not noticed before. All such memes came to us from foreign communities, where they have long since lost popularity. Therefore, it is impossible to say for sure where exactly this meme came from, but for now it is alive. Of course, he will soon be exchanged for another meme hero, but still “ Get comfortable"Dear reader. 🙂

IN at the moment I would like to talk about the most popular memes today. One of these is the lemur. “Uzbagoysya” is an Internet meme that appeared back in 2009, but it gained its popularity only at the end of the summer of 2013. As a rule, this meme consists of a picture of a lemur and the caption “get over it” (means, calm down in different options). There is a main version that the meme hero King Julian, from the cartoon Madagascar, has a congenital speech defect. Whether it’s true or not, no one cares anymore. Everyone is just happy with this meme and that’s it. The most important thing is that this Internet has become widely known in everyday life. For example, if you say to someone, calm down, he may be offended, but saying “calm down” simply takes on a comical character.

A meme is a unit of information that is transmitted from one person to another, in the form of a message, picture, mail, etc. The main thing is that everyone should be happy about it and that’s when the meme will become popular. In this particular case, the picture of the “Uzbagoy” meme appeared in 2009, but reached the peak of popularity only four years later. The reasons may be different, no one paid attention to this, there was no need, and so on. But you should understand that the popularity of a meme directly depends on the public.

The internet is currently experiencing a meme boom. Every user has viewed or added memes at least once in their life. Until recently, in order to create a high-quality funny picture and sign it, you had to know how to use graphics programs. Now, everything is much simpler, some sites (adamem) have a constructor available. It is with its help that everyone, even a beginner, can calmly create and create for the benefit of humor.

It often happens that we are not happy with the situation, and we are ready to talk about it, but we cannot for obvious reasons. Constructors give us the opportunity to create memes, such as “get over it” and let other people know what’s boiling over us. Do not forget that memes are only positive. If you have a quarrel, then you need to send a couple of funny pictures about the current situation, and everything will pass, or at least defuse the situation.

Memes have become so popular that they are divided into categories. Each category has its own theme and history. This, in turn, makes it possible to save time and view only those memes that you like most.