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Vk unlink the number from the page. How to unlink VK page number. How to unlink a deleted page number

Today we will tell you how you can unlink a phone number from an already blocked page in social network VK, we will consider all possible cases and situations when a page is blocked temporarily or permanently.

We tried to prepare for you detailed instructions with screenshots where possible.

If something doesn’t work out for you, be sure to write in the comments and we will be happy to help you.

How to unlink a number from a blocked VKontakte page?

It happens that due to the fact that most users register two or more pages for the same number, the administration of the VKontakte social network decides to either block these pages for excessive activity or block the number. In this article we will talk about how to unlink a number from a blocked VKontakte page forever.

How to unlink a number from a VK page?

It would seem that there is nothing easier than to take and unlink your number from the page. But, unfortunately, this is not the case. This process takes quite a long period of time. Let's look at how you can unlink a number from a VKontakte page

This is how very easy you can change and unlink one phone number in VK

If we are talking about a blocked page, then it is worth considering 2 cases:

  • Page blocked temporarily - frozen
  • The page is permanently blocked

If the page is temporarily frozen, then you need to wait until the freezing period expires and simply follow the instructions above.

If a page is blocked forever, you cannot change or unlink the number from such a page!

How to unlink a number from a deleted page?

If your page was deleted some time ago, or rather, recently, then unlinking is possible. To do this, you need to use two easy methods.

First option. If the hold time has not yet passed, then: Restore your profile and find the “General” column and select settings. Then click on "Edit". Write new number phone, after everything, having confirmed that you have linked this page to another number, you can either leave it or delete it.

Second option. This option lighter. As in the first case, it is required that your page was deleted some time ago. Then create a new profile and in this case, the phone number will be unlinked from the old page and linked to the new one.

After deleting the page, the number can be permanently registered no earlier than 4 months later!

Now you know how to unlink a number from a blocked VKontakte page. We hope that this article was able to answer all your questions.

The email associated with the account on the VKontakte social network exists in order to make life easier for some users who, for some reason, needed to change or even unlink their phone number. Thus, mail on the website is not mandatory, but at least recommended to indicate for the possibility of emergency restoration of access.

Of course, as in the case of a phone number, sometimes there is a need to change the associated email address. Please note right away that linking and changing the E-Mail on the VK page is literally the same thing.

If you need to unlink your email from the page, regardless of the reasons that prompted you to do this, you will need to create a new email mailbox. This is due to the fact that if an E-Mail is already linked to a page, it is impossible to simply unlink it, leaving the page without an email address.

In the process of unlinking mail, you need to use common sense, which in particular concerns the impossibility of changing the email address if there is no telephone number associated with the page. That is, it is recommended to refrain from any manipulations with registration data in the form of changing the email address until a valid number is assigned to your page cell phone, which you have access to.

If any unexpected problems arise with your registration data, you can contact support.

Change mail

To date email it is possible to change and, therefore, unlink from your personal page, thanks to the use of specialized VKontakte settings.

  1. Go to your page and open the main menu in the upper right part of the screen by clicking on your own profile avatar.
  2. Select a section from the items presented. "Settings".
  3. Switch to tab "General" through the navigation menu on the right side of the parameters window.
  4. In general, the parameters we need are located immediately on home page settings of this social network.

  5. Scroll the open page to the section "E-mail".
  6. Next to the above-mentioned item responsible for E-Mail, click the button "Change".
  7. In the field "New address" Enter your new valid Email.
  8. Please note that if the linking is successful, a notification about changes in registration data will be sent to the old address. A letter with a link confirming the link will be sent to the new mailbox.

    If you try to specify an email that is already used by someone or directly by you on this social network, you will receive an appropriate error.

  9. Once you have entered a new valid email, click the button "Save address", located directly below the input field.
  10. Try not to forget the registration data of the mailbox you have linked, since after the pinning process it is an extremely important part of your personal profile.

  11. If you change your mind about changing your address for some reason, you can cancel the process by clicking "Cancel" With right side from the E-mail input field, refreshing the settings page or simply leaving this section.

To complete the process of unlinking old mail on social media. VKontakte network, you need to confirm the new address.

Before you confirm the activation of your new email address, you are given the opportunity to enter your previous email address again. At the same time, you will not need to go through the confirmation procedure, with the exception of anti-bot protection.

In fact, your email can already be considered changed, but it will not be valid until you go to your mailbox and manually confirm the link.

If you have problems delivering the email with the confirmation code, click on the link "Resend email" under the notice posted at "E-mail".

If you unlink an email several times in a row, there is no need to send the code to your phone. This is mandatory only for the first link or when unlinking after a sufficiently long period of time after specifying the email.

At this point, the procedure for unlinking the E-mail can be considered completed.

Setting up notifications

It is worth noting that various notifications will be sent to the E-Mail you specified, containing largely personal information, for example, messages sent to your account. You can, of course, refuse this, but only if absolutely necessary.

After you have set all the settings, you can simply close this page or go to any other section of the social network. The settings apply in automatic mode, immediately after their user modification.

We wish you good luck in unlinking and linking your email.

  • Strengthen the security of user profiles;
  • Reduce the number of “fake” pages.

For one mobile phone, you can link one page. But what to do if the SIM card was lost or stolen? Don't start a new one account. The VKontakte functionality allows you to unlink the old number from the page and link a new one, how - read our instructions.

How to unlink a number - the standard method

The only way to unlink the previous number without violating the VK user agreement is to set a new one through the profile settings. The changeover period varies depending on whether you have access to the previously specified phone number to receive the verification code:

  • 14 days – you don’t have;
  • 1 day - you have it.

The algorithm of actions does not differ in the web and mobile versions. You can unlink a number from your smartphone only in mobile version website –

We’ve sorted out the peculiarities of the shift, let’s move on to practice.

2. On the “General” tab, find the “Phone number” item, click “Change”. In the pop-up window, enter a new one and click “Get code”.

3. Enter the received code.

4. Upon completion of the operation, you will receive a notification from the VK bot stating that the application has been accepted for consideration. You are given 14 days to cancel the operation.

To speed up the process, you need to receive an SMS to the phone number specified earlier and complete a couple of additional steps.

1. Open Settings. The “General” section displays information about your application. Click on the marked link.

2. You will be asked to receive a verification SMS to the previous number to complete the operation instantly.

3. If there is no access to the old SIM card, use the second link.

4. Enter the required information and click “Submit Application”.

The application will be reviewed within 24 hours from the date of submission.

A quick way to unlink a phone number

In addition to the standard, there are more quick way, But it is associated with certain risks. VKontakte has the concept of “Temporary page freezing”, it is imposed for minor violations of the user agreement or community principles. Such violations include:

  • Sending spam through personal messages or groups;
  • Public insults to users;
  • Publishing objectionable or prohibited content;
  • “Increase” likes, reposts, subscribers, etc.
  • Other “suspicious” actions, for example, joining dozens of groups at once;
  • Mention in messages of links to “undesirable” resources - and

I advise you to read how to freeze a page and then.

After the page is “frozen”, a recovery option will appear in which you can specify not only a new password, but also a contact phone number. If the account is deleted, the algorithm is the same - we restore it, change the phone, delete it again. Otherwise, you will have to wait one year from the moment of final blocking until it is untied automatically.

Using a second account

When registering on VKontakte, up to 2013 inclusive, you only needed to provide a valid email address, which was also the login for authorization. From 2014 to the present day, such users are only shown an information window asking them to indicate their mobile number, but this is not a prerequisite.

The whole secret is that to such an account, you can link any cell phone, even if another page is linked to it.

1. Log in to your old page, to which only your email is attached.
2. In the settings, indicate the phone number that you want to unlink from another profile.
3. Enter the accepted verification code.

After completing the procedure, the second account will not have an associated number.


As you can see, the only difficulty in the unlinking procedure is finding the second number, but this is not a problem either, use activation services. Such a service costs from 16 to 40 rubles per activation. Finally, let's make a short summary.