
The object does not support the includes property or method. The object does not support the Sign property or method - what to do. Installing and registering additional components

Probably, many users working with complex multi-level reporting systems have had to deal with a situation where, out of the blue, an incomprehensible error message pops up on the screen like “The object does not support properties or the Sign method.” Let's look at the main reasons for this failure and methods to quickly fix the problem.

Message that an object does not support a Sign property or method: what is it?

First of all, please note that the average user is unlikely to encounter such problems. An error like “The object does not support the properties or method of Sign” mainly appears in highly specialized programs.

An example would be clients like VTB-24, Kontur-Extern and others. In general, such applications refer to accounting programs in which you can create special reports. In some cases, the error “The object does not support the properties or method Sign” may also appear when trying to make an online payment, when viewing data from government procurement sites - in general, wherever a confidential operation is required.

To confirm the legality of such a document or transaction, a special sign cab is used. This is where problems arise. Roughly speaking, the user’s system simply does not recognize it due to some reasons that will be discussed below, and therefore does not identify the document or transaction as trustworthy.

Possible reasons for the failure

Among the many reasons that can lead to such errors, most experts cite the lack of some script libraries registered in the system that are required to establish a signature recognition method, a ban on the use of ActiveX controls, and an outdated version of the platform. NET Framework, blocking signatures and sites with antiviruses and firewalls, etc.

Additionally, the "Object does not support the Sign property or method" error (Windows 7, 64 bit) appears exclusively when using the browser Internet Explorer(sometimes this type of opening is performed automatically in this browser). Therefore, its settings can solve the problem in most cases. Below are some methods to solve this problem.

Error: “The object does not support the Sign property or method”: what to do first?

The simplest and most logical solution to this problem is to simply change the browser. Instead of Internet Explorer, you can try opening a document or website in Opera or Google Chrome. Even if it opens automatically in Internet Explorer, there is nothing easier than copying the link and pasting it into another browser.

If the user is dealing with a program, it is worth looking at its settings and changing the default browser.

To monitor correct operation, you can also temporarily disable the standard Windows firewall and firewall, and then see if the document or website opens. If everything is fine, the program and Internet resource will need to be added to the exclusion list.

Installing and registering additional components

However, the solution to eliminating the “Object does not support properties or Sign method” error is not limited to this. For most applications of this type to work, the Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0 and higher must be installed on the system.

Conclusion: you need to download and install the latest release of the package, and then check the functionality.

In addition, when such a failure appears in the message, you can often see additional indications that some components necessary for operation are not registered in the system. As a rule, these are jscript.dll and vbscript.dll, and this situation can occur even with installed Windows Script Host. In turn, there is a high probability that the platform itself is installed incorrectly. Thus, you should first install this component as an administrator, and then proceed to registering libraries.

This is done from command line, which is called via cmd in the Run menu (Win + R). To register, use the regsvr32.exe command, followed by the full file name separated by a space (for example, regsvr32.exe jscript.dll). Then simply press the enter key. If anyone doesn't know, the jscript library is a Java element, and vbscript is a Visual Basic library.

Changing Browser Settings

As for Internet Explorer itself, it is recommended to use browser version no lower than version seven, but it is better to download the latest one.

Another point about the "Object does not support Sign properties or method" error is that some add-ons installed in the browser itself may block the definition electronic signature. Therefore, if there are add-ons or extensions like, Yahoo or something else, it is strongly recommended not only to disable them, but also to remove them altogether.

Finally, to fix the problem, you need to go to the Internet Options section (either from the browser or through the Control Panel), find Trusted Sites in the Security tab and go to the Security Level setting, where you need to allow all ActiveX controls to run.

In some cases, it is enough to simply clear the cache and Cookies, as well as remove garbage from the user directory. In this case, on the privacy tab, it is advisable to disable the acceptance of all Cookies, and then confirm the changes.


It remains to be said that almost all of the above methods fix the problem quickly and quite simply. Failures associated with the penetration of malware into the system were not considered here, since every user should already understand that protecting the system when working with such specifics should be a priority.

When working with a computer, various kinds of errors often arise, and while some of them are understandable, some, such as a message that an object does not support the property or the Browseforfolder method, can lead the user into a stupor.

Most often we encounter this users of VTB-24 bank who are trying to use its online services through a browser while at home or traveling.

It may occur because the script encounters incompatibility or is incompatible with some .

There may be many reasons, but how do you know? what exactly to do in this case and how to make sure that she never returns again, we will describe in detail below.


What causes

The error most often appears when moving from directory to directory when working with VTB-24.

During this process, certain scripts are used and if it occurs, it means that something is preventing them from being executed correctly. Reasons for this outcome may be as follows:

Many believe that it occurs due to the VTB-24 service itself and complain about their servers because of this. However, this is far from the case.

As the list of options for the occurrence of Browseforfolder shows, the essence of the problem lies on the client’s side, in its browser or system.

One of the simplest solutions could be called a simple replacing the browser with a more advanced and up-to-date one, such as or . But VTB-24 is fully functional only with standard Internet Explorer, so problems with outdated versions are inevitable.

It would be much easier if all elements of the system were compatible with other browsers, but you can’t count on that for now.

Therefore, let’s move on to a turn-by-turn analysis of each of the possible causes.

Working with the browser

The first step is to make sure that it is not in the browser, because all other manipulations with an outdated version will lead to nothing.

For the most part, the so-called “native” built-in Internet Explorer browser is used, which is constantly undergoing changes from its creators.

If no other browser is suitable for the job, or the user does not want to give up IE, then you should try to update it to a newer version.

To do this, you need to visit, where in the corresponding section you can find and download the latest IE product.

Pay attention! You should download with an eye to the bit depth operating system. and each of them has its own browser version. To find out which one you have installed, you need to press the key combinationWin + Pause and find the required information in the section "System type".

After successfully updating the browser, you can try to log into the VTB-24 system again, but it is best to run the browser as an administrator.

To do this, go to the menu "Start", find the IE shortcut or use the search and click on it right click mouse, in the appeared context menu find "Run as administrator" and click on the item with the left mouse button.

For many users, the script fails only because the rights are limited.

Only the administrator has full access to everything and if your account does not allow you to open files under this name, you will have to reconfigure it.

Working with the Framework

If, after all, the cause of the problem is not in the browser, then you should check. .

To maintain all services and stable access to various resources, a framework of at least version 3.5 must be installed.

However, it is better to install release 4.5 or higher immediately in order to be sure to avoid various conflicts.

Not all PCs come with the .NET Framework update out of the box, and some users disable this feature for all applications to avoid memory fill.

In this case, the only option is to download from the official website, install, restart the PC and check again to see if there is an error.

Internet Explorer Settings

If the above steps did not lead to the desired result, then you can try to reconfigure IE a little, this will require:

Using the ActiveX Component

Does your browser keep giving you an error? In this case, let's go back to the settings and in the tab "Safety" lower its level by using the slider and moving it to the very bottom.

A little lower in the same window you can find a button "Another…", click on it, and a new window will open.

It lists a huge list of parameters, among which the user needs to find all relevant components and check the box Prompt in all of them.

This global approach helps in most cases, and the error disappears, but perhaps the reason lies in something completely different.

For example, in a recently downloaded application or browser add-on that prevents it from launching correctly. The easiest way to do this is to reset all browser settings.

You can also download the Java platform and unzip it to install it. It will independently integrate into the system and establish possible malfunction in the script.

Important! When you first log into VTB-24, a pop-up window with advice will appear install a cryptographic protection module. Be sure to agree, because if you refuse, this may lead to various problems with logging into the site in the future.

Eliminating unnecessary scripts

The final way to fix everything is to either reload the broken scripts or simply remove them from the OS.

Dynamic libraries that are in the system, too may be the main reason for denial of access to site services. Some of them may not work and such libraries need to be disposed of.

First you need to find them among others. This will help us, in which we type sfc/scannow.

The system gives us a list of necessary libraries, which can then be manually reinstalled so that they work again.

Bottom line

This error can occur not only when working with VTB-24, but also with other sites or platforms, however, most often the banking system still issues something like this.

Almost certainly one of the above methods will help you resolve all the nuances and return to normal work with the service.

But if you fail, you should not despair; there is a support service, by contacting which you can always explain the situation and ask for help. A competent consultant will always help you, because it is in the interests of the bank that each user has full access to all functions of their system.

One of the features of modern financial structures is that almost any bank provides its clients with access to a personal online account, which allows them to manage their accounts, transfer money, pay for various services, without wasting time on going directly to the organization’s office.

Unfortunately, in some situations it becomes impossible to access your personal page in online banking. For example, when you try to use this tool from VTB24, the message “the object does not support the Browseforfolder method” may pop up.

What does this mean and how to correct this situation?

What does this error mean?

VTB24 Bank uses a special script to automatically select its users. Its name is Browseforfolder. The most popular root causes of such trouble are:

  1. An out-of-date version of the Internet Explorer Internet browser that a client of a financial institution uses to log into his account.
  2. The browser itself or the scripts do not function correctly.
  3. The rights of the Internet browser used are not sufficient to carry out the intended operation.
  4. Problems with an important component (ActiveX).
  5. Microsoft Framework version is not up to date.

Any of the options described above may result in the script required for login not being supported. Fortunately, there is a technique that solves this problem.

Correcting the situation

The first step in a situation where “the object does not support the Browseforfolder method” is to update the login program, that is, the Internet browser:

  • Go to the official website of the software distributor;
  • Select the most current version, according to the bit depth of the operating system used;
  • Perform installation and restart the computer.

Next steps:

  1. Check for the latest Microsoft Framework and ActiveX. Go to the pages of official distributors and install the latest versions.
  2. Try to log into your account using the “administrator rights” property. To do this, click on the IE icon with the right mouse button and select the appropriate function.

The next step is the installation of special cryptographic protection, which can be recommended in case of such an error - the system can independently issue similar message. Necessary:

  • Click on the button to the right of “Install”;
  • Select installation option for all users;
  • Wait for the procedure to complete;
  • Refresh the page you are using. Give permission to use protection.

Alternatively, to solve this problem, you may need to install a security plugin “ CryptoPro EDS Browser plug-in:

  • Enter a search request to download this tool;
  • Go to the suggested page;
  • After transferring the installation package to hard drive, make sure that all browsers are temporarily closed;
  • Complete the installation and restart the PC.

The next step is to change the settings of the Internet Explorer browser:

  • Click on “Tools” and go to “Internet Options”;
  • Select the “Security” tab, move the slider to the lowest position;
  • Go to “Privacy”, uncheck the box that is responsible for blocking pop-up windows;
  • Return to “Security”, click on “Other”;
  • Search for the parameter responsible for using ActiveX. Set it to “Allow”.

In some cases, the cause of the trouble associated with the lack of support for the Browseforfolder property or method is the incorrect operation of some libraries. They should be detected and removed:

  • Go to system folder OS;
  • Login to System32;
  • Search for and remove the following items: "mesproax", "mespro.sig", "mesproax.dll" and "mespro.dll".

It is advisable to restart at the end.

The last stage that completes the treatment is to reset the browser settings, if none of the above suggested options has a positive effect:

  • Once again, go back to IE's Internet Options;
  • Go to “Advanced”;
  • Find and click on the “Reset” button.

All that remains is to reboot the equipment again and check the result.

This error message can be found on the state portal; it occurs at the stage of signing documents when various organizations access the State Procurement domain. The error "Cannot sign data Error description" no method support may mean that you are using an outdated software or an error or failure has occurred in one of the required components.

Error "Cannot sign data"

Required components for signing on the website

This portal only works with the official Microsoft browser – Internet Explorer. For proper operation and eliminating the error “Cannot sign data Error description: The object does not support the Sign method”, you must have the following components and programs installed:

  • Special plugin for Internet Explorer navigator. This component is needed for electronic confirmation of documents and signatures. When the user clicks on the “Signature” button, this plugin opens special program, which is focused on the token. To download it, follow this link
  • In order to ensure the correct operation of a token from a flash drive, it requires special software.
  • A special document PKIClient, which is a confirmation of the certification authority, in order to download it - click.
  • Open this link to download the certificate from the server.
  • Vcredits are special libraries that are needed for proper operation, for x86 and for the 64-bit Windows operating system.
  • For Windows XP Microsoft .NET Framework requires version 2. Sometimes a problem arises if users have a higher version of the framework. For stable operation of the signature, the second version is required, not higher. To do this, when downloading a new package, you need to check the box - “Install Framework 3.5, including 2, etc.” In this case, you will be able to install the desired version.
  • To sign, you need another type of electronic software - Lkomponent. it can be downloaded.

Once all the above components are installed and updated on your computer, go to your personal account on the state procurement portal, log in and try to sign electronic document again, there should not be a Cannot sign data Error description error this time.

Actions in case of error “Cannot sign data Error description”

First of all, familiarize yourself with all the points of the necessary components for proper operation on the state portal, if possible, reinstall all the programs that are on the list. Update your Internet Explorer browser, and also make sure that the 2 main components are installed correctly and are working correctly - Sign and Lkomponent, because they control the testing of electronic signatures of documents for authenticity.

The Microsoft Internet Explorer browser must be launched with local computer administrator rights. Otherwise, errors may occur when working with documents. This usually happens with versions 7 and higher. If you have a Windows 64-bit system architecture, try running the 32-bit version of the navigator, sometimes this can really help get rid of the error.

Add to the list of trusted browser sites

Sometimes the browser may not allow you to access the site for various reasons. This can happen to absolutely any node on the network. Especially with such an unstable browser as Internet Explorer. In order for the Microsoft navigator to trust a specific portal, it must be added to the list of trusted ones, for this:

Tips and tricks for resolving the “Object does not support Sign method” error

To resolve “Cannot sign data Error description: The object does not support the Sign method,” try reinstalling Lanit.Component in another distribution. When specifying the path, create a folder in the main directory of drive C (for example, C:\Lanit), or any other, in accordance with where you have the system disk. And also reinstall the individual KriptoPro certificate, update the program to the latest current version. The Microsoft .NET Framework must be installed using Windows Programs and Features.

To do this:

In this window, you need to check the box with .NET Framework 2.0, if it is missing. This should help resolve the issue with the error “Cannot sign data error description: no support for the Sign method.

Users often encounter the problem of confirming personal data during online transactions - Cannot sign data. Error description: The object does not support the "Sign" property or method. For example, such an error occurs on the web pages of official organizations or financial institutions:,, VTB 24, EIS. Specifically this error appears when trying to establish an electronic signature or when confirming personal data.

Causes of the Sing error

The error message indicates problems with This component is used when forming the signature itself and is a very important component. There can be many reasons for the error to appear. The source can be: not installed file, missing or outdated root certificates (CryptoPro, Kontur) for digital signature, incompatibility of Windows bit depth with the browser, lack of the .NET Framework package and others.

Error: Object does not support Sign property or method

How to fix the Cannot sign data error

To fix such a failure on Windows 7/8/10, you should check or complete all the points described below one by one. We have collected all the most common solutions that are presented on official government procurement forums, and other communities.

First, let's check the site's functionality on another browser. If you make transactions through a specialized application, then check the settings, where you set a different browser for accessing the Network.

Correctly reinstall Lanit

Many people advise that the first step is to reinstall the corresponding Lanit - It is better to download it from the resource where the failure occurs (contact support), or from another popular source. Select the bit depth (x32, x64) that matches your system and browser (!), which is very important for working in Internet Explorer. Bit depth plays an important role. Next:

Also worth checking


Most often, the error “The object does not support the Sign property or method” is a consequence of inappropriate bitness when installing software (lanit, browser, certificates), so be careful at this moment. In any case, if you cannot cope with the error, you should contact the resource support, but as practice shows, you can wait a very long time for answers there.