
google chrome ssl connection error. Opera browser problems: SSL connection error. Check the time and date

Almost every user has encountered many problems in the browser. One of these problems is SSL connections, which does not allow you to view the necessary pages. Let's look at all the ways to fix this problem.

First stage

So, first you need to decide what kind of problem it is, where it comes from, and only then look for ways to fix it. If on your computer, when you try to connect to any page on the Internet through a browser, the following message appears: SSL error-connection, this indicates that the problem is caused by a mismatch in the system. Therefore, this needs to be corrected, but, as practice shows, this is not as easy as it might seem at first glance.

Often everyone refuses to work installed browsers. The only way out is to use standard IE, which in 90% of cases does not produce such an error. This browser can be used until a solution to the problem is found. In simple words An SSL error indicates that a connection to the server cannot be established for some reason. Let's figure out what causes this kind of problem.

Causes of SSL Errors

So, there are often only a few ways to find out what exactly is preventing you from accessing the Internet normally. So, the first thing you need to do is check the settings of your antivirus, since it is it that can block connections, which is why all the problems arise. You may need to add your browser to exceptions and set less stringent controls on incoming and outgoing traffic. It is also recommended to check if necessary, lower the protection level.

Also at Google, an SSL connection error can occur when you do not have an antivirus program and the system is infected. In principle, this can be solved either by reinstalling the OS or by scanning the system for infected files. Also note that your time settings may be incorrect. Consequently, a discrepancy is detected on the server, and the connection is determined to be unreliable or insecure. Another common reason is an outdated browser.

SSL origin connection error

If you like to play good games on your computer and buy them online, then most often such a product requires activation. Even though this is a minute process, it can become a real headache for you due to SSL protocol failure. However, the detailed error text may look different. For example: “client authentication certificate required” or “SSL_ERROR_PROTOCOL”. You can fix everything as follows.

We go into the antivirus, if, of course, it is available. Next we go to the settings, to be more precise, we need the line “https protocol filtering”. Here you need to uncheck the box, that is, turn it off. Reboot the computer and try to install origin. If everything went well, then if not, it is advisable to install the game from the disk and just try to update it. What else can help is using a different browser, for example, not Chrome, but Opera.

SSL connection error: fixing the problem

Let's figure out what to do if this kind of problem arises. First of all, there is no need to panic. It’s not all that scary and can be resolved in a few minutes. The main reason for the error is that, as noted above, this happens for several reasons. One of them is a dead battery in the BIOS. It can be changed, it costs 40-50 rubles.

We also pay attention to the antivirus and the list of programs that are on the blacklist. It will block the connection of these applications. It is worth noting that a broken registry can often be the cause of the problem. Most users rack their brains to solve the problem, but sometimes it happens that this is not an error at all. The fact is that most browsers allow you to enable or disable support for SSL files. Just find the required option in the settings and check the box, after which the problem should be solved.

Enable SSL and Cookies in the browser

In some cases, this protocol is not required. But when you want to use Adsense pages, this option must be enabled. The same applies to Cookies. In principle, for normal operation and display of information, incl. and advertisements, you need a working SSL. So, let's move on to setting up the browser. First of all, you need to go to the menu, and then select settings.

There you should see a tab " Additional settings", that's what we need. The next step is to select the “Content Settings” item, and then you need to go to “Personal Data”. We will see a menu called “Cookies”. We go there and check the box next to the “Save local data” item. Close the tab and switch to HTTPS/SSL. Similar work needs to be done here. Check the box next to “Check if the certificate has been revoked from the server.” If the checkbox is not checked, then SSL will not work correctly. That's all, restart the browser and get to work.

A few more simple ways to solve the problem

If you don’t have time to deal with browser settings or scan the system, then you can try several times in a row which you need to log into. It is likely that after this the information will be partially displayed. However, in the future you will need to do everything according to the instructions. Another way out is to reset your browser settings to Default, that is, to standard ones. This will enable/disable all necessary plugins and scripts. It is also recommended to clear the cache, which sometimes gives a positive result. You can also go to Windows folder, then system 32, then go to drivers to find the “etc” file there. The last line should look like this: Everything below this inscription must be removed. After this there is an error in Google SSL connections will disappear.

A few important points

Please note that sometimes sites without reliable or expired certificates are a kind of virus carrier. In this case, it is normal to see a window that says “SSL connection error.”

What to do if you still need to visit the resource, you ask. To do this, you must continue the connection by confirming your decision. In this case, you may get a virus on your computer, which is not good. Although if you have it installed, it will give you a corresponding message and automatically block you from working with the malicious site.

Now you know what an SSL connection error is. We also figured out how to fix it. I need to say a few more words about the fact that you need to periodically clear Cookies in your browser. This will not only speed up page loading, but will also relieve you of the problem described above. It is advisable to at least occasionally conduct a full system scan for viruses and suspicious files.


You must understand that if you get this kind of error, then something is wrong with your computer. First of all, check the time. If the year, month or time of day is not correct, you need to correct it. To do this, in your desktop tray operating system Click on the clock several times and set the real values. This usually solves the problem immediately. If this does not happen, go to and see if SSL protocol support is enabled. If everything is as it should be, then most likely the problem is an antivirus program or a malicious file that is blocking the connection. Removing or moving to quarantine should help.

The SSL connection function is very important for the correct use of websites, especially for institutions that actively work with finance. This security protocol completely protects all data transmitted from the client to the server and vice versa.

This connection operates on the principle of an encryptor; all information that is prepared for transmission between the user and the server is encrypted under a specific key. Only the server and your browser have this key, after which the data is sent securely and decrypted on the user's system. This approach ensures that your data, even if it is intercepted, will be protected. Typically, SSL certificates are purchased by institutions that sell services, goods, or engage in online banking/advertising.

Since the current connection is used for communication important information, then you should be especially careful when working with such sites where an SSL error occurs.

It is also not uncommon that the cause of the problem lies not in the dubious security of the site, but in incorrect settings or failures of the user’s applications.

Reasons for the error SSL

A common mistake that cannot be eliminated is purchasing a certificate for a site from a supplier that does not have these powers or the complete absence of a root certificate. Here everything depends on the site owner and you are unlikely to be able to influence this connection.

Other causes of the error can be corrected, as they are caused by a malfunction of applications installed on your computer or a crash system settings. Key SSL errors:

  1. The connection is blocked by an external FrameWall or anti-virus scanner;
  2. The reason is an incorrect browser setting;
  3. The time and date set on the computer have experienced a problem;
  4. Infecting your computer with virus programs.

Troubleshooting SSL

First of all, you should make sure that the problem is on your side, to do this you should go to the site from a different browser, better devices. If the error persists, there is a high probability of a problem on the server side.

If the problem is in all browsers on one device, but not on other platforms, then you should check your antivirus and date/time settings.

Setting up an antivirus

Most of these applications include functions to protect your Internet connection from infection by unscrupulous sites. For the application to work, scanning of the connection, site information and transmitted data is required. Such interference by the browser can be regarded as traffic interception, which is why the error occurs.

To fix the problem, you need to disable scanning for SSL or HTTPS connections in your antivirus settings. This is done in a similar way in all applications; let’s look at the example of Avast Internet Security:

  1. Open the main program window;
  2. Go to the “Settings” tab;
  3. Next, click on the “Active Protection” tab;
  4. Select the “Basic Settings” menu;
  5. Uncheck the “Enable HTTPS scanning” checkbox.

The changes will probably take effect after you restart your computer, but at a minimum you will have to restart your browser.

Browser settings

Excessive security can also be harmful, as evidenced by this problem if it lies in the browser. The solution would be to lower the security level in the browser. Let's look at an example Google Chrome:

  • Go to your browser settings;
  • Next, at the very bottom, click on “Show additional settings”;
  • Find the “Network” column and click on the button in it;

  • In the “Security” tab, set the security level to “Medium”;

  • Next, in the “Privacy” tab, move the slider to the “Medium” position.

  • Go to the "Contents" section;
  • In the “Certificates” column, click on the “Clear SSL” button.

After all these steps, you need to completely restart the browser and try again to go to the desired site where the error occurred.

Changing time and date settings

Inconsistency with this setting may also be perceived as a potential danger and, accordingly, blocked by the browser due to suspicions of failures in SSL.

The problem can be solved quite simply, you just need to set these settings correctly. Let's consider the standard case:

  • Click on the time in the lower right corner of the screen;
  • Next, follow the link “Change date and time settings”;

  • Often the problem is in the wrong time zone, so you should click on the “Change time zone” button;
  • Select your city/country, if it is not in the list, set any country with the correct time offset;

  • In the “Internet Time” tab, click on “Change settings” and “Update now”.

It should also be noted that an SSL error is not a death sentence for the site; you can successfully log into it only at your own peril and risk. If you fully trust the resource, you can do this by clicking on the “Advanced” link after the error text and selecting “Go to the site anyway.” To prevent a similar problem from occurring on the current site in the future, you can add the certificate to the list of trusted ones in your browser.

Besides everything else, the cause of the error may simply be an incorrect link to the site; some resources use a secure connection for registered users and a regular one for guests. In this case, you should simply replace https with http in the site address.

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The error “err ssl protocol error” is quite common in Chrome and Yandex Browser. It may appear when you try to log into any Internet site.

What is this error

The SSL protocol allows you to make the connection between your PC and the website secure. He encrypts data connections.

Chrome, Yandex and Explorer have certain certificates for SSL (SSL) in their functionality. In case of violations of the operation of the specified certificates in the browser, problems arise with the configurations, then the secure connection with the site and the system gives an SSL connection error.

There are several ways to help fix the error.


Windows can be disrupted by viruses. Accordingly, it is enough check the system one of the antiviruses. It is recommended to use Kaspersky and Dr.Web.

Date and time

One possible cause of the SSL error could be an incorrect time and date. The server considers this a danger and blocks access. Just open it BIOS settings And set exact values, corresponding to a country or a specific region. Now we reboot the device, first saving the changes made.

You can also change the time in Windows - the result will be the same.

OS update

Sometimes an error may appear when outdated operating system. To correct the situation, just perform the update manually.

Antivirus problem

Quite often, antivirus programs consider the connection dangerous and can block it themselves. To do this, go to your antivirus settings and disable SSL verification andHTTPS.

Making changes to the firewall list

In some cases, the error “err ssl protocol error” may appear when working with Google services, search engines or the browser itself. In this case, you need to make changes to your personal security settings. You need to add the application to the list of allowed nodes.

Browser replacement

In some cases, it may turn out that the main tools to correct the situation do not work. All that remains is change browser. You can use Opera, Firefox, or any others.


A new protocol that facilitates fast connection to the network. You can disable it in the Chrome configuration.

After opening your browser, enter address bar command: " chrome://flags/#enable-quic" You need to enter without quotes. The system itself will display: “ Quic Experimental Protocol". Click on the link and press the button: disable. After this, just restart Chrome.

Using the HTTPS protocol

This protocol is used for secure network login. It can be used to log in when an error is thrown.

In order for the site to open, all you need is a standard HTTP address add letter S to make it HTTPS. Often, such manipulations help fix the “err ssl protocol error” error.

Changing security settings

Note that in Internet Explorer the system works in automatic mode. The settings are in effect by default.

In the control panel, open " Network and Internet". After this, you need to click: “ Internet Options". Next we go to Privacy and move the slider to middle position.

Most resources use SSL v2.0 or 3.0. Some browsers do not work with these configurations. You can change these settings accordingly. To do this you need to do the following:

Checking hosts

This tool is used to set site redirects and create routes manually. The file is located at: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. Open it using notepad with administrator rights. We completely delete the contents and save.

Disabling plugins and extensions

To disable all extensions for Chrome, just press 3 buttons, which are located with right side browser line. Now open " Additional settings". Now open the extensions. All plugins and extensions that are currently in use will open in the window. Opposite them there is a button that can either enable or disable use. In addition, you can immediately remove unnecessary extensions and plugins.

Often, many Internet users, when working in the Opera online browser, are forced to solve a problem that results in a connection failure. Sometimes such a failure is detected as an SSL error. How to remove SSL error in Opera?

In the specified browser, it is easy to fix it if the user is aware of the source of its occurrence. Let's look at several probable causes of the error and ways to get rid of the problem.

Features of the error

If you analyze the initial causes of an error of this type, you first need to find out what exactly it is. Typically, such a failure is a message that is sent to the security system.

SSL technology is quite similar to HTTPS and is a system of secure Internet connection when the information that the user’s terminal sends and receives is encrypted. The SSL protocol uses a special list of certificates that are provided to online resources. They serve as confirmation of the security of a particular Internet site.

When you receive a notification that a certificate error occurred in the Opera browser while connecting to an online resource, you should not rush and go to the web resource. Often this may not be very safe. However, this is by no means an isolated situation in which such a failure can occur.

Virus infection

A common situation when an Opera SSL error occurs is simply when threats such as viruses, applets or harmful codes enter the system. They are capable of partially blocking the connection, and at the same time installing their redirection to other Internet resources, which are generally not safe. Therefore, it is immediately important to pay attention directly to the address line. Usually, instead of the request that was entered, a completely different address will be written there.

In this case, experts advise not to use installed antivirus to find and eliminate the danger. It is advisable to use a specific portable utility or boot before starting the system from a disk like Kaspersky's Rescue Disk. By the way, the latter method is considered more preferable, since current viruses can settle in the RAM, in boot disk sectors, and at the same time in logical partitions.

Firewall and antivirus settings

Often an SSL connection error in Opera occurs due to an authentication problem in the browser. As a rule, its occurrence is caused by prohibitions that are stored in the settings, as well as the parameters of the Windows firewall and antivirus scanners.

How to fix SSL error in Opera? There are two ways: add the required Internet resource to the list of exceptions antivirus program or do the same, but for an online browser, in the firewall settings. Although it is possible to completely disable the firewall, but only when a licensed version of the antivirus is installed on the terminal, which monitors the prevention of external threats directly online.

Inaccurate date and time

The presented error can also occur due to incorrectly set time and date, although this is considered an indirect cause. It is important to take into account that, in particular, the date was set for entire years in advance. When the certificate validity of an Internet resource has expired during this interval, the Internet browser defines it as expired. The same applies to setting the date, which is done whole years ago. Here the opposite situation is observed, in which the certificate has still become valid and is not recognized as real.

It is possible to cope with this problem if you set the time and date correctly in the system parameters. However, sometimes this may not work, so you will need to refer to the system time and date parameters located in the BIOS.

Modifying SSL settings in the Internet browser

Another reason for the error occurs when the main browser settings are incorrectly configured, namely, support for the SSL protocol.

In this case, you will need to go to the main browser menu. After this, you need to go to the advanced settings one by one and open the tab responsible for security. This menu has a special button to enter the section where security certificates are located. In the window that appears, you need to select the “SSL” inscription. After completing this procedure, the changes must be confirmed by clicking on “OK”, after which the browser will restart.

As for the cases when a plugin error occurs in Opera (it doesn’t matter which one), then, apparently, this is only due to the fact that the plugin is either disabled or needs to be updated (update messages are sometimes disabled, especially when using optimizers that work online). In this case, you just need to update the required add-on or add-on, in particular, download from the official website Adobe plugin"Flash Player", and then install it into the system after closing Opera.

It is likely that your online browser has installed a plugin such as AdBlock, which is sometimes also capable of blocking the content of Internet sites (often pop-up windows). If necessary, you can disable such a plugin in the add-on settings.

As you can see, there is no need to perform anything particularly complicated to eliminate the error in question. But these are only the general and most common causes of errors of this kind. Before deciding to use one action or another, it is important to clearly understand the current situation.

Ssl connection error is a problem that can occur in any of the non-Microsoft internet browsers. Interestingly, standard Internet Explorer quietly ignores this nuisance, so you can temporarily switch to it. Naturally, until the situation arises is completely eliminated.

Connection error ssl err ssl protocol error is a rather complex disease, since it is not always possible to identify its root causes. Therefore, for a complete cure, an integrated approach will be required.

Correcting the problem

The first step is to understand what ssl connection error means. To explain it in a simple way, the appearance of this inscription is due to a mismatch of some settings in the operating system and other installed applications.

A possible reason lies, oddly enough, in an installed or not installed antivirus program. In the first option, you will need to go to the program settings and look at the list of blocked Internet resources - perhaps the desired address is located there. In the second option, the cause of the unpleasant situation may be a banal virus infection. This situation is usually observed in Google Chrome error ssl connections.

How to fix:

  1. Go online using Internet Explorer.
  2. Find, download and install current antivirus protection.
  3. Run the program and scan your computer for malware.

A similar case during operation Opera browser– how to fix it? A possible reason is that the time and date on the computer are simply wrong.

Getting out of this situation is as easy as shelling pears:

  1. In the lower right corner of the screen, click on the time icon.
  2. In the window that opens, select the only available item – “change settings”.
  3. We make the transition and set the correct values.

Many modern users use the Internet to purchase and use games. In certain cases, this will require creating a profile on thematic resources where the necessary actions are performed. What to do - ssl connection error when trying to log into the Origin website or any other similar portal? Changing some settings in the same antivirus usually helps:

  1. Launch the program.
  2. Find and go to settings.
  3. Select the option responsible for filtering the https protocol.
  4. Turn it off and restart the computer.

Sometimes figuring out how to fix “ssl connection error” will require a forced investment. Fortunately, not very big. The likely cause lies in the BIOS battery, which must be replaced if it fails. This method of solving the problem will require going to the store and spending about 40-50 rubles. Not much, but effective.

The last option may occur when trying to access so-called adsence pages. By the way, in this case, the appearance of the message “ssl connection error” on the phone is also very likely. To fix it you need:

  1. Turn on your favorite Internet browser and go to its settings.
  2. Select the advanced settings menu.
  3. Next – “Content settings” – “Personal data”.
  4. Go to Cookies and check the box next to “save personal data.”
  5. Go to the “HTTPS/SSL” menu.
  6. Place the icon next to the item “check if the certificate has been revoked from the server.”
  7. Restart the system and go to the desired site.