
How to unlink your contact page from a number. How to quickly and easily unlink a number from a VK page. Linking to email

Today we will provide you with simple visual instructions on how to unlink a number from one of your VKontakte pages and link it to another. We tried to simplify this procedure as much as possible and show you how to do everything without unnecessary problems.

If you still have any questions or something doesn’t work out for you, be sure to write in the comments and we will be happy to help you.

How to unlink a number from a page in VK and link it to another page?

Even before 2013 in social network On VKontakte, when changing your account number, only an email was required. Of course, this method was very convenient and easy, therefore, it is not surprising that the developers soon decided that in order to avoid an influx of fraud, it would be better if, when changing, each user indicated their other, free phone number. Currently, it is not possible to create a new profile without this data. Therefore, sometimes some users decide to create new account, but there is no extra number. In today's article we will talk about how to unlink a number from a VK page and link it to another page.

Is it possible to unlink a page?

Actually, it’s possible. However, we must admit that this will not be easy. The fact is that previously, in order to unlink a phone number, it was enough to enter an email address. But those days are gone and nowadays you need another number to unlink the page.

To judge, the process of changing a number takes a very long time. This is necessary so that the developers conduct a thorough check.

Please note this information is under review.

  • However, if you don’t have these two weeks or you just don’t want to wait, then we hasten, there is one way to make you happy. All you need is to be temporarily frozen.
  • To do this, in any group, simply enter the address of a site that is engaged in getting likes. After refreshing the page, you will see that your account has been frozen for some time.
  • A notification will appear in front of you to inform you of this; at the bottom of the notification you will see that you can change your phone number. By specifying other data, the number will be disconnected from this page in a couple of hours.

It is worth noting that this method may result in your profile being blocked forever, including your number. So, if you are not afraid of anything, you can use this option.

When registering a page or linking a VK number, it writes: "This number has been recently used" or “A page is already linked to this number. Please enter a different number." What to do? Here are ways to solve the problem.

1. Do not link the number to the new page, but restore the old one

If you already have a page registered for this number, and you are trying to register a new one, then it is better to restore the old one. The fact is that one issue can only have one page. If you register a second one, the number will be unlinked from the first page and you will not be able to access it. And restoring access will be difficult (or even impossible). This is serious, think about it carefully! Do you want to restore your old page by number right now? Click here: Password recovery, VKontakte access.

And if you deleted an old page, then within a certain time it can be restored. And you don't need to register a new one. See: How to recover a deleted VKontakte page.

2. Use this number anyway (via the full version of the site!)

If no page is currently associated with the number (when restoring it writes: User with this phone number not found), but VK does not give registration, which means that there was a page on this number recently, and it has not yet become available. VKontakte allows you to link your phone to different pages only a few times. When you tie him to a new one, he gets untied from the old one! You may have one last link left.

If the number is definitely yours and you will still have it, you can remove the error and register the page. Only this should be done not from your phone, but through the full version of the site - from a computer or tablet. It is important that it is through the full version, and not through a mobile phone or an application. If you try to register from your phone, you will only receive an error message and a prompt to enter a different number.

To log into the full version of VK, click here: How to log into the full version of VKontakte. How to use the number, read on.

Attention: If another page is linked to the number and you still need it, do not link the number to the page you are currently on or registering! You risk losing the previous page. Here is the situation you will find yourself in: Two pages for one VKontakte number. Use a different number.

Example: how to remove the error and use the number

So, you need to register the page to the number that was recently linked. Try to do this in the full version of the VK site. Go to the full version, preferably on a computer or laptop, and start registering. When you enter the number, you will receive a warning: This number has been recently used. The number was recently linked to another VKontakte page. If this is your number and you would like to use it, click here. This is just a warning, but not an error.

At this moment click on the words “click here.” A final warning window will appear: Each phone number can be linked to VKontakte pages a limited number of times. Remaining for number so much bindings(or last binding). Make sure you link the number to your own page. It won't be possible to link it to another page anytime soon.

Here's an example of a warning - people don't read it well and understand it even worse:

Many people think that they can create several pages and link the same number to all of them. But no, it works differently. One number - one page. The number will be unlinked from the previous page.

Read carefully, all this applies to you personally and to your number. Are you sure you want to register a new page for this number and lose access to the old one? Then press the button "Yes, use the number"- and then you can continue registration. If you change your mind, click "No, I'll use another number."

If the number belonged to someone else (this often happens) and someone else’s page was created for it, look here what to do to unlink the number from it: Someone else’s VKontakte page and my phone number. The problem is solved in the same way when the number you bought is blocked - What to do if the phone number is blocked on VKontakte.

3. Wait

Some people think that if a number is unlinked from a page, then it becomes free and you can immediately register a new page for it. But that's not true. Since VK rules allow you to have only one page, such games with numbers are difficult.

Even if a number is not linked to any page, this does not mean that it can already be linked to a new page.

Perhaps after some time this number can be used again. Wait two weeks and try again. If it doesn’t work out, then maybe you’ll still be able to use the number in one or two months. In the meantime, you can link the page to your other number (of course, if another page that you need is not linked to it).

4. Unlink the number from another page through the support service

If all else fails, create a request with support agents.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. tied to number mobile phone, and not to the mailbox, as it was before.

On the one hand, this increases security (it is more difficult to hack and steal an account) and simplifies the procedure for restoring access, but on the other hand, it makes life somewhat more difficult for those who do not want to burn their mobile phone number () or want several on different accounts.

In this regard, the question often arises - Is it possible to unlink a number from pages in Contact?? In principle it is possible, although it is not entirely obvious. By the way, this may be needed in different cases. For example, you could buy new SIM card and at the same time, for some reason, throw away the old one (to which access to Contact was linked), or simply lose it. You may also have two VK accounts and decide to link this particular number to your other account.

Unlinking a number may also be necessary in the case that I already wrote about, when before deleting an account it would be desirable to unlink the number, otherwise it will still remain in the database of this social network.

How can you unlink a VK page from your phone number?

Starting from 2013, you won’t be able to simply unlink a phone number from your VKontakte account (previously you could do this by specifying Email as the main linking type). That is, now it will not be possible to simply delete your phone number and not offer a new one in return. This is understandable - VK has moved to a high security standard and the entrance to the site is primarily tied to a mobile phone.

However, you can easily change this same number to another, thereby unlink your page from the old number, to which you, for example, could have lost access for one reason or another. In general, to begin with, it would be nice to understand a few rules that VKontakte moderators and administrators adhere to:

  1. You can use one mobile phone number. Thus, the system is trying to combat spam pages, which many use to cheat and make money, although all this is served under the guise that it is supposedly more convenient for users. Therefore, it will no longer be possible to create a new page for the same number.
  2. However, if you already have there is another account on this social network(for example, registered before 2013, when it was enough to link another Email address), then you can link to it the phone number that is already used on your other VK account. Thus, from the first page the necessary The number will naturally go away. True, then when you log into such an account (with an unlinked number), you will be strongly advised to link some phone to it so that you will be tortured, but this is the tenth thing.

From the above rules and conditions for working with VKontakte, several conclusions can be drawn at the moment:

  1. Without any problems it will be possible unlink from the page the number to which you have lost access(lost your SIM card, threw it away, gave it to someone, etc.). The official method (if access to the old number is not possible) will take you two weeks, and the unofficial (although somewhat risky) method will take you one day.
  2. If you have another account in VK, then the number can be transferred to it, thereby unlinking it from the desired page (there can be a lot of reasons). Here, again, certain delays are possible at different steps, but in principle everything is feasible (I’ve done this myself more than once).
  3. The third option in the series - I didn't tell you this. Spammers still bypass Contact's restrictions on the number of pages registered per person and use various services for this, which can be called a “temporary mobile number” (you will get access to SMS messages sent to it).

    The number received there can be used to implement the first unlinking option (the official one), thereby deleting the real number and replacing it with a fake one. Of course, this will significantly complicate or make it impossible to restore access to the page, but in some cases it may be necessary to unlink the number just before deleting the page, so as not to leave unnecessary waste later.

Where does the phone number linked to a page in VK change?

The unbinding process itself is implemented on the page “ My settings» in the area "Your phone number". To do this, just click on the “Change phone number” button and enter it in the window that opens.

True, I recently transferred this number from this account to that one (unlinked it), so they offer me to wait a little (about two weeks):

In your case, this message most likely will not appear. Usually everything goes fine and you are told that the default The number change process will take a couple of weeks:

The process can be speed up official means , if you have access to the old number (just use the appropriate link, and after going through the steps of the wizard, you will get the result much faster). The second way to speed things up is to go through a rather tedious wizard, similar to the one you need to go through when restoring access to your page if it has been lost:

How can you speed up number unbinding by 14 times (without guarantees)

However, there is also unofficial way to speed up number unlinking from your VKontakte page (up to one day), but, firstly, it may no longer work (it definitely worked six months ago), and secondly, it is associated with certain risks (for example, your page may not just be “frozen”, and ban for some long period).

Therefore, everything you do is at your own peril and risk (I wash my hands, as they say).

The essence of the method is to use the Contact bug (logical inconsistency), which allows you to change the number associated with it when a page is frozen and immediately unfreeze it. In this case the old number will be untied from the page not a couple of weeks, but just one day. Absurdities that have not yet been fixed (corrected). Although it is possible that by the time you read this post, this cartoon will not work.

To begin with we will need make sure that our VK page is “frozen”. This is not difficult to do. There is an exchange of likes, the mention of which on the VKontakte website is taboo and entails the immediate freezing of the page where this link appeared (thus, they are trying to combat the spread of spam and spammy methods of promoting pages on their social network). Just leave this link on your wall:

Literally a minute after clicking the “Send” button, you can refresh it in the browser, after which you will see a message about temporary freezing:

But we needed this whole circus just so that at the very bottom of this window we could use the button “Specify another number”. Actually, it is entered in the adjacent field after clicking on this button, and after clicking on the “get code” button located below, you will see a message stating that another phone number is already linked to this page and a question about whether you are really want to destroy this whole idyll by untiing your mobile phone:

Next, enter the confirmation code sent to new number. After this, you will also be asked to come up with a new password for your account. All. Now all you have to do is press the button "Unfreeze the Wanderer":

On the next page you will be asked to take a short sanity test. But this is not the main thing, but what will be written at the very top:

Those. With such a trick with our ears (freezing - unfreezing the page) we achieved speeding up the unbinding of the old and binding of the new number by fourteen times, which is very significant and can be very useful for someone. But I repeat - the method is not one hundred percent working, so everything you do remains on your conscience, but bribes from me are smooth...

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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In order to register on VKontakte, you had to enter your phone number (for those who registered more than two years ago, an email number, as an alternative) and a password for your profile. Regardless of how long ago you were registered, you may be asked whether how to delete a VKontakte number. Here are the main reasons:

  1. You have changed your mobile phone number, the old one will now be inactive.
  2. You want to unlink a number from one page on a social network and link it to another.
  3. The mobile phone number has already been used for some other page.

How to delete a VKontakte number by changing it to email

If you need to delete a linked VKontakte number, do the following:

  1. Create an email for the page.
  2. On this page, go to the “My Settings” – “Alerts” tab. Choose to receive alerts by email rather than phone. To do this, simply enter your e-mail in the required line, and leave the phone line empty.
  3. A confirmation email will be sent to your email in a minute. Open it and click on the link confirming the changes. Done – instead of a phone number, an email address is attached to your VKontakte page.

How to remove a VKontakte number from one page and link it to another

Do the same as in the previous paragraph (attach an e-mail instead of a phone number).

Now go to the second page (to which you want to link the number). If there is no number associated with this page at all, follow the link.

If you already have a linked number, but you want to change it, you will need another link -

In any case, enter the desired number, and then the codes sent via SMS.

Delete a VKontakte phone number through a special service

If you are unable to remove the number from your page, you can use the link:

  1. Follow the link
  2. Enter the number you want to delete.
  3. Receive a code on your phone. You will need to enter it in a special field on the page (if you did not receive the code, click the “Request again” link).
  4. Ready. You can use the number for another page.

Do I need to delete the number before deleting the page?

Yes. Even after deleting your profile, information about you will be stored in the site’s databases for another 7 months, so the number must be unlinked in advance.

The email associated with the account on the VKontakte social network exists in order to make life easier for some users who, for some reason, needed to change or even unlink their phone number. Thus, mail on the website is not mandatory, but at least recommended to indicate for the possibility of emergency restoration of access.

Of course, as in the case of a phone number, sometimes there is a need to change the associated email address. Please note right away that linking and changing the E-Mail on the VK page is literally the same thing.

If you need to unlink your email from the page, regardless of the reasons that prompted you to do this, you will need to create a new email mailbox. This is due to the fact that if an E-Mail is already linked to a page, it is impossible to simply unlink it, leaving the page without an email address.

In the process of unlinking mail, you need to use common sense, which in particular concerns the impossibility of changing the email address if there is no telephone number associated with the page. That is, it is recommended to refrain from any manipulations with registration data in the form of changing the email address until a valid number is assigned to your page cell phone, which you have access to.

If any unexpected problems arise with your registration data, you can contact support.

Change mail

Today, it is possible to change your email and, therefore, unlink it from your personal page, thanks to the use of specialized VKontakte settings.

  1. Go to your page and open the main menu in the upper right part of the screen by clicking on your own profile avatar.
  2. Select a section from the items presented. "Settings".
  3. Switch to tab "General" through the navigation menu on the right side of the parameters window.
  4. In general, the parameters we need are located immediately on home page settings of this social network.

  5. Scroll the open page to the section "E-mail".
  6. Next to the above-mentioned item responsible for E-Mail, click the button "Change".
  7. In the field "New address" Enter your new valid Email.
  8. Please note that if the linking is successful, a notification about changes in registration data will be sent to the old address. A letter with a link confirming the link will be sent to the new mailbox.

    If you try to specify an email that is already used by someone or directly by you on this social network, you will receive an appropriate error.

  9. Once you have entered a new valid email, click the button "Save address", located directly below the input field.
  10. Try not to forget the registration data of the mailbox you have linked, since after the pinning process it is an extremely important part of your personal profile.

  11. If you change your mind about changing your address for some reason, you can cancel the process by clicking "Cancel" With right side from the E-mail input field, refreshing the settings page or simply leaving this section.

To complete the process of unlinking old mail on social media. VKontakte network, you need to confirm the new address.

Before you confirm the activation of your new email address, you are given the opportunity to enter your previous email address again. At the same time, you will not need to go through the confirmation procedure, with the exception of anti-bot protection.

In fact, your email can already be considered changed, but it will not be valid until you go to your mailbox and manually confirm the link.

If you have problems delivering the email with the confirmation code, click on the link "Resend email" under the notice posted at "E-mail".

If you unlink an email several times in a row, there is no need to send the code to your phone. This is mandatory only for the first link or when unlinking after a sufficiently long period of time after specifying the email.

At this point, the procedure for unlinking the E-mail can be considered completed.

Setting up notifications

It is worth noting that various notifications will be sent to the E-Mail you specified, containing largely personal information, for example, messages sent to your account. You can, of course, refuse this, but only if absolutely necessary.

After you have set all the settings, you can simply close this page or go to any other section of the social network. The settings apply in automatic mode, immediately after their user modification.

We wish you good luck in unlinking and linking your email.