
Where is the cache in Google Chrome? What is a page cache and what is it for? How to find in Google, Yandex cache. How to view storage contents

Hello friends! Today's article will be devoted to one of the most popular Internet browsers among users - Google Chrome. We'll take a quick look at what cache is, increase cache memory in Chrome, and create a desktop shortcut for the browser.

Browser cache - what is it?

As always, before practice, I will give you a few terms. After all, how can we increase something if we don’t know what it is?

A cache is an intermediate buffer that stores used information. When viewing websites on the Internet, videos, listening to audio, files downloaded by the web browser, for all of the above, are saved in a special folder on the hard drive - this is the cache folder.

When you visit a site on the Internet for the first time, to display its content, the browser contacts the server and downloads the necessary information from there, which ends up in the previously mentioned folder. When you visit the same site a second time, the browser will take all the necessary files from the cache. Accordingly, this will load the page faster and use less traffic.

Its capacity in the browser is limited. Therefore, when free space runs out, old recordings are erased and new ones are written. If you notice that online games or videos are starting to slow down, you can try increasing your browser cache.

In order to free up space on your hard drive, or if you notice that errors have appeared in your browser, you can. Read the detailed article by following the link.

Increase Chrome cache

Find the Chrome shortcut on your desktop and click on it right click mice. Select from context menu"Properties" item.

In the properties window, go to the "Shortcut" tab. In the “Object” field, put italics at the end, press the spacebar and insert: —disk-cache-dir=”c:\chromeсache”, space again and: —disk-cache-size=1073741824. Click "Apply" and "OK".

In both cases, the word disk is preceded by two hyphens. The number 1073741824 is the volume in bytes. Set the desired value. In this case, 1073741824 bytes is 1 GB.

How to create a Chrome shortcut on your desktop

If following the instructions above, you did not find the required shortcut, let's look at how to make a Chrome shortcut on your desktop.

Open “Computer” and find the folder where Google Chrome is installed. More specifically, we need an executable file. If you did not select a different folder during installation, then most likely you need to go to the path: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application.

Find the required file here. To be sure, right-click on it and go to “Properties”. On the “General” tab, in the “File type” field, the extension should be .exe.

The word cache can be heard quite often in various areas of IT, but today we will deal with page cache site. The term itself means that search engines save copies of pages from a certain number, usually from the robot’s last visit to the site. You can find and use a copy (cache) of the page at any time for your needs.

It's pretty good that search engines save pages on their servers for a while and give us a chance to take advantage of this. A lot of resources and money are allocated to storing cached pages, but they pay for their help, since we still need to go to their search engines.

Why do we need a cache (copies) of pages?

There are different situations when working with websites.

As always, you have a lot of work, but little time and not enough attention for everything. There are times when work is being done on the site, suppose a design change or minor edits to the template or text. And at one point you realize that you made a mistake somewhere and the text disappeared or part of the site design disappeared. Well, this happens and everyone has probably dealt with this.

On at the moment, you don’t have backups, and you also don’t remember what everything looked like initially. In this case, a copy of the page, which can be found in the cache of both Yandex and Google, can help, see how it was originally and correct it.

Or second case, You have changed the text a little in order to improve it and want to see whether the page on which you made the changes has been updated or not. You can check using a page that is in the cache; to do this, look for this page and look at the result.

There is also a situation when the site is not available, for one reason or another, and you need to go to it. In this case, a copy of the page can help, which can be found in the following ways.

In general, I think it has become clear that using a page cache is necessary and useful.

How to find a page in Google, Yandex cache

First, let's look at how to search in the Google search engine.

Method number 1.

You go to the search engine page and enter the address of the page you want to find and view a copy of. I'll take our site as an example:

We enter the name of the page or site in the search bar, press “Enter” and see where the page you were looking for is displayed. We look at the snippet and there is a URL (address) to the right of it with a small downward arrow, click on it and we will see the “Saved copy” item. Click on it and we will be transferred to a copy of the page from a certain date.

Method number 2.

The method can be called semi-automatic, since you need to copy the address below and substitute the domain of your site instead of As a result, you will receive the same copy of the page.

Method number 3.

You can view the cache using browser plugins or online services. I use for these purposes.

Here you can see when the robot last visited the resource, and accordingly, a copy of the page will be for this date.

Now let's look at how to search for a cache in the Yandex search engine.

Method number 1.

The method is the same as for the Google system. We go to the search engine page and enter the address of the page you want to find and view a copy. I’ll take our website as an example again and write it down:

We enter the name of the page or site in the search bar, press “Enter” and see the search results, where the page you were looking for is displayed. We look at the snippet and there is a small down arrow to the right of it, click on it and the “Saved copy” item appears. Click on it and we will be transferred to a copy of the page from a certain date.

Method number 2.

We use additional browser plugins. Read a little higher, everything is the same as for Google.

If the page is not in , then there is a high probability that it is not in the cache. If the page was previously in the index, then it may be preserved in it.

How to clear cache in Yandex, Google

It may be necessary to remove a page from the Yandex or Google cache or even hide a page that was previously indexed and cached from prying eyes. To do this, you need to wait until the search engine itself discards this page naturally if you have previously deleted it. You can prevent the page from being indexed in a file or use the tag:

Just be careful with the tag, do not put it in the general site template, because it will prohibit caching of the entire site. For these purposes, it is best to use additional plugins or programmers who have previously done such work.

Now let's see how you can clear the cache (clear, delete page) using the Google and Yandex search engines.

Clear page cache in Google

The Google search engine approached this issue from the right side and created such a tool as “ Remove URLs» in Webmaster Tools. To use it you need to go to webmaster tools at:

Clear page cache in Google Webmaster

In order to clear the cache or delete the entire page (or you can also immediately delete and clear the cache together), you need to click on the “ Temporarily hide" and enter the URL of the page that needs to be cleared and click the " button Continue«.

Now in this window, when you click on the list “ Request type"You can see several ways to delete and clear both a page from the Google index and clear the cache.

  1. If you need to completely delete the page and cache, then use the first method.
  2. If you just need to clean it, then use the second method. As a rule, for our example we need to use it. The page remains in the index, but the cache is deleted and the next time the robot arrives, it will appear there again.
  3. If you need to temporarily hide, then use the third method. Used when pages do not have time to fill quality content. In this case, it would be better to hide it for a while.

As soon as you choose one of the methods, in this case 2nd, click on the button “ Send request«.

After clicking, we get a page where you can see that this page has been added to be deleted from the cache and is in the status " Expectation". Now all that remains is to wait. Typically, this procedure takes from several minutes to several hours.

If you have entered the page incorrectly and want to cancel, you can click on the “ Cancel«.

After you go to the Remove URLs tool after some time, you will be able to see the status as Completed. This means that Google robot visited the page and cleared its history.

Clear (delete) page in Yandex

The Yandex search engine has a similar tool in its webmaster tools, but there is one “BUT”. There is no cache clearing as such; you can completely delete a page from the PS index and at the same time its entire history will be deleted.

In order to use this tool, you need to go to Yandex webmaster using the link:

and enter the required URL in the line.

The search engine will exclude this address after some time “AP”. As a rule, Yandex takes a couple of seconds to do this, so you will need to wait.

If you have questions, ask them in the comments, we are always in touch!

Every modern browser by default, it partially saves the information of web pages, which significantly reduces the waiting time and the amount of traffic consumed when opening them again. This stored information is nothing more than a cache. And today we will look at how you can increase the cache in the Google Chrome Internet browser.

Increasing the cache is necessary, of course, to store more information from websites on your hard drive. Unfortunately, unlike the browser Mozilla Firefox, where increasing the cache is available by standard means, in Google Chrome a similar procedure is performed in slightly different ways, but if you have a compelling need to increase the cache of a given web browser, then this task is quite easy to cope with.

How to expand the cache in the Google Chrome browser?

Considering that Google considered it necessary not to add a cache increase function to its browser menu, we will take a slightly different tricky route. First, we need to create a browser shortcut. To do this, go to the folder with installed program(usually this location is C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application), click on the application "chrome" right-click and select the option in the pop-up menu "Create shortcut" .

Right-click on the shortcut and in the additional menu that pops up, select the option "Properties" .

In the pop-up window, double-check that you have a tab open "Label" . In the field "Object" the address leading to the application is posted. We need to enter two parameters to this address separated by a space:



As a result, the updated “Object” column in your case will look something like this:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --disk-cache-dir="c:\chromeсache" --disk-cache-size=1073741824

This command means that you increase the size of the application cache by 1073741824 bytes, which is equivalent to 1 GB. Save your changes and close this window.

Launch the created shortcut. From now on, Google Chrome will work in increased cache mode, but remember that now the cache will accumulate in significantly larger volumes, which means it will need to be cleared in a timely manner.

We hope the tips in this article were useful to you.

Quite often on various forums I come across the question “ where is the browser cache located?. Since this issue is closely related to the theme of our site, I could not ignore it and decided in today’s article to tell where the cache of the most popular browsers installed in the operating room is stored Windows system 7, 8, 10.

You may be interested in the article ““, in which we described in detail how to automatically clear the history of visited sites after finishing work on the Internet

Opera browser cache

C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Opera Software\Opera Stable\Cache

Google Chrome browser cache

C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache
C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Cache

Mozilla Firefox browser cache


Browser cache Yandex Browser

C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Yandex\YandexBrowser\User Data\Default\Cache

Internet Explorer browser cache

C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\

All information is relevant for versions installed using the installation file. The cache of portable versions of the browser (which do not require installation) may be located in other folders.

Use the program if you need to restore a deleted cache. Also using the search form on the site, according to the words “cache browser”, you will find a large number of programs that work with the cache of various browsers.

A thing called cache allows browsers to load pages faster. But it is not always useful. And sometimes it needs to be cleaned. Now we'll talk about how to clear cache in Google Chrome- one of the most popular browsers.

The cache stores those website elements that never change. When the page loads, the web browser loads these elements not from the server, but from hard drive, which is much faster and easier. As a result, the page opens much faster.

But the cache tends to grow. Its size increases exponentially according to the number of pages visited. And if it reaches gigantic proportions, it may well slow down the browser.

Where is the cache located? Google browser Chrome? By default, it is located in a special directory on the system partition (by default in C:\Users\<Имя пользователя компьютера>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\<Пользователь в Браузере>\Cache). You could also clean it by hand. But this is long and unsafe. It is much easier to use the capabilities of the web browser itself.

Clearing cache

In general, the process itself is not particularly complicated. But you need to know where the required tool is located. Only then can you do what is required. The instructions, by the way, are relevant both for Windows PCs and for computers with Mac OS or Linux on board.

The cleaning process will begin. Once it's completed, the browser will want to restart. There is no need to interfere with this. After the restart, the web browser will work as it was just installed. And the cache will be of adequate size.


Now you know exactly everything about how to clear the cache in Google Chrome. This simple procedure can greatly increase the speed of your browser. In general, it is recommended to do it at least once a month. Then there will be no problems with the web browser. Just like with the computer itself.