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D3dx9 26 dll is missing what to do. Fixing a bug with the d3dx9_26 library. Available versions of d3dx9_26.dll

The D3dx9_26.dll file is 2.19 MB for 32 Bit and 3.59 MB for 64 Bit . The download links have been checked and there are no problems. You can download it without a problem. Currently, it has been downloaded 230306 times and it has received 3.7 out of 5 stars from our users.

Table of Contents

Operating Systems Compatible with the D3dx9_26.dll File

Other Versions of the D3dx9_26.dll File

The latest version of the D3dx9_26.dll file is version released for use on 2012-09-30 for 32 Bit and version for 64 Bit. Before this, there were 2 versions released. All versions released up till now are listed below from newest to oldest

  1. - 32 Bit (x86) ( 2012-09-30 )
  2. - 32 Bit (x86)
  3. - 64 Bit (x64)

How to Download D3dx9_26.dll

How to Install D3dx9_26.dll? How to Fix D3dx9_26.dll Errors?

ATTENTION! Before continuing on to install the D3dx9_26.dll file, you need to download the file. If you have not downloaded it yet, download it before continuing on to the installation steps. If you are having a problem while downloading the file, you can browse the download guide a few lines above.

Method 1: Solving the DLL Error by Copying the D3dx9_26.dll File to the Windows System Folder

  1. The file you downloaded is a compressed file with the extension " .zip". This file cannot be installed. To be able to install it, first you need to extract the dll file from within it. So, first double-click the file with the " .zip" extension and open the file.
  2. You will see the file named " D3dx9_26.dll" in the window that opens. This is the file you need to install. Click on the dll file with the left button of the mouse. By doing this, you select the file.
    Step 2:
  3. Click on the " Extract To" button, which is marked in the picture. In order to do this, you will need the Winrar software If you don"t have the software, it can be found doing a quick search on the Internet and you can download it (The Winrar software is free).
  4. After clicking the " Extract to" button, a window where you can choose the location you want will open. Choose the " Desktop"location in this window and extract the dll file to the desktop by clicking the " Ok" button.
    Step 3:
  5. Copy the " D3dx9_26.dllC:\Windows\System32"folder.
    Step 3:
  6. If you are using a 64 Bit operating system, copy the " D3dx9_26.dll"file and paste it into the" C:\Windows\sysWOW64"As well.
    NOTE! On Windows operating systems with 64 Bit architecture, the dll file must be in both the " sysWOW64"folder as well as the" System32" folder. In other words, you must copy the " D3dx9_26.dll" file into both folders.

    Step 4:
  7. In order to run the Command Line as an administrator, complete the following steps.
    NOTE! In this explanation, we ran the Command Line on Windows 10. If you are using one of the Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista or Windows XP operating systems, you can use the same methods to run the Command Line as an administrator. Even though the pictures are taken from Windows 10, the processes are similar.
    1. First, open the Start Menu and before clicking anywhere, type " cmd"but do not press Enter.
    2. When you see the " Command Line"option among the search results, hit the " CTRL" + "SHIFT" + "ENTER"keys on your keyboard.
    3. A window will pop up asking, " Do you want to run this process?". Confirm it by clicking to " Yes" button.
    Step 5:
  8. Paste the command below into the Command Line window that opens and hits the Enter key on your keyboard. This command will delete the D3dx9_26.dll file"s damaged registry ( It will not delete the file you pasted into the System32 folder, but will delete the registry in Regedit. The file you pasted in the System32 folder will not be damaged in any way).
    %windir%\System32\regsvr32.exe /u D3dx9_26.dll

    Step 6:
  9. If the Windows you use has 64 Bit architecture, after running the command above, you must run the command below. This command will clean the broken registry of the D3dx9_26.dll file from the 64 Bit architecture (The Cleaning process is only with registries in the Windows Registry Editor. In other words, the dll file that we pasted into the SysWoW64 folder will stay as it is).
    %windir%\SysWoW64\regsvr32.exe /u D3dx9_26.dll

    Step 7:
  10. In order to cleanly recreate the dll file"s registry that we deleted, copy the command below and paste it into the Command Line and hit Enter.
    %windir%\System32\regsvr32.exe /i D3dx9_26.dll

    Step 8:
  11. If you are using a 64 Bit operating system, after running the command above, you also need to run the command below. With this command, we will have added a new file in place of the damaged D3dx9_26.dll file that we deleted.
    %windir%\SysWoW64\regsvr32.exe /i D3dx9_26.dll

    Step 9:
  12. You may see certain error messages when running the commands from the command line. These errors will not prevent the installation of the D3dx9_26.dll file. In other words, the installation will finish, but it may give some errors because of certain incompatibilities. After restarting your computer, to see if the installation was successful or not, try running the software that was giving the dll error again. If you continue to get the errors when running the software after the installation, you can try the 2nd Method as an alternative.

There are times when, after installing and launching a new game, instead of your favorite entertainment, you receive one of the following errors:
The program cannot be started because the d3dx9 26.dll file is missing;
not found d3dx9 26.dll;
The file d3dx9 26.dll is missing on the computer;

You do not have permission to run d3dx9 26.dll.
The reason for the appearance of such a message is problems with the operation of graphics, or more precisely, the d3dx9 26.dll library of the DirectX software package is damaged or missing.

How to solve this problem?

There are several ways. You can download the file - d3dx9 26.dll library from the Internet and copy it to the system disk where the operating system is installed Windows system, namely in the Windows System32 folder.
. But you do this correction option at your own peril and the risk that attackers can attach a virus to it that can cause even more harm.

A safer option is to download the official DirectX package and reinstall it after uninstalling it. This usually solves this problem 95%.

If the above results did not help, then it should be noted that the problem may lie in the operating system registry, namely in the paths to the d3dx9 26.dll library. You should register them correctly and remove outdated links. Client

This application has a large number of libraries in its arsenal and offers the user a convenient opportunity to install them.

To install d3dx9_26.dll using it, you will need the following steps:

Enter d3dx9_26.dll into the search bar.
Click "Perform a search."

Click Install.

The program has the ability to select a different version if the one you downloaded does not suit your particular case. To use this feature you need:

Enable special mode.
Select another d3dx9_26.dll and click “Select version”.

Specify the installation path.
Click "Install Now".

Web installation

This method involves adding the necessary DLL to the system through installation special program- DirectX 9, but you will need to download it first.

On the page that opens, perform the following operations:

Select the language of your operating system.
Click "Download".

Launch the downloaded application.
Accept the terms of the agreement.
Click Next.

The installation will begin, as a result of which all missing files will be added to the system.
Click Finish.

Download d3dx9_26.dll

You can install the DLL yourself using standard Windows functions. To do this, you will first need to download it using a specialized Internet portal, and then copy the downloaded file to the system directory:


You can simply place it there by dragging it.

D3dx9_26.dll is a system library that is responsible for the launch and operation of multimedia applications and games; it is part of the DirectX file package. After installing applications, launching the game may be accompanied by an error indicating that the application cannot be opened due to the absence of the D3dx9 26 dll file. Users who install games such as Need encounter this type of error. For Speed,Grand Theft Auto 4, The Sims 3, World of Tanks, Skyrim and other popular modern applications. To resolve the error and continue working with the application, you need to figure out what the D3dx9 26 dll error is and what is the reason for its occurrence.

The reason that the D3dx9 26 dll file is missing on the computer may be the presence of a malicious file or virus on the system that has changed the library component or its location. Before downloading D3dx9 26 dll for Windows and installing the component required by the application, you need to check the system for viruses and malicious files. The cause of the error when starting the game and the loss of the file may be antivirus program, which blocked a component that is installed when the application starts, considering it dangerous for the operating system. To avoid installing the game again, you need to check the contents of the antivirus storage software and restore the file found in the found blocked programs.

If the antivirus program has nothing to do with the file loss, the user needs to download and install the DirectX file library or the D3dx9 26 dll component free download as a separate file. By downloading the library, the user can install the entire package of files necessary for the game, which will be automatically downloaded and installed on the computer. When downloading a separate library component, you should know the system type in order to know where to place and save the downloaded file.

How to fix the error?

Method 1.

The file D3dx9_26.dll belongs to the DirectX 9 library, so it’s enough to install it if you don’t have it, or reinstall it if yours is damaged.

Method 2.

This is an additional option for correcting this error, in which files are added manually and registered in the system.

File registration sequence:

  1. Determine what bit depth your Windows is;
  2. For 32 bits, download only the 32bit file;
  3. For 64 bits, download both 32 and 64 bits;
  4. Place the 32-bit file in the folder: C:\Windows\System32;
  5. Place the 64-bit file in the folder: C:\Windows\SysWOW64;
  6. To register, press the combination Win + R;
  7. We write the command for 32: regsvr32 name.dll(replace the name with the name of file 32);
  8. We write the command for 64: regsvr32 name.dll(replace the name with the file name 64);
  9. Click "OK and restart the PC;

It is hardly possible to find a PC user who has never encountered errors in the operating system in his life, since the number of these errors is steadily growing from year to year. One of the most striking consequences of this growth is situations in which a sign appears on your computer screen with a message like “The system library d3dx9_26.dll is missing... try reinstalling the program.”

This often happens with the games most in demand by modern gamers. For example, with NFS Most Wanted, GTA SA, Civilization, PES, etc. And it is very easy to fix this problem. You just need to download and install the missing library. The task is also simplified by the fact that you can download d3dx9_26.dll on our website for free and without any harm to your computer. On our website you can always find only the latest official versions of dll files.

d3dx9_26.dll is a library responsible for accelerating data processing between graphics hardware and the operating system. You can meet it in the process of launching games, graphic and video editors. Usually it is included in the package of programs, but there are cases when manual installation is required.

Causes of d3dx9_26.dll error

Errors and crashes very often occur during installation, when most games and other various applications update the necessary dll files. There are a lot of options for such errors - rewriting failed, the lights were turned off, the path in the registry was lost, a virus infection, and so on. During startup, the software contacts the operating system to load all the dll files necessary to implement its functions. If the necessary files are not found, then a sign appears, about which it was written just above. This is a very annoying moment, because due to the absence of one small file, the game refuses to work completely.

Solving the problem

Under no circumstances should you fall into despair. This problem is much easier to solve than you might think at first glance. This problem has two solutions, which you can study in more detail using the written and video instructions even included. You can decide for yourself what exactly to choose, having independently assessed the degree of convenience of one or another method for you personally and the scale of the problem you have.

Option one

In this situation, logic and common sense will be our allies. Since the operating system requires the d3dx9_26.dll file for the game to work correctly, we will provide it to it. Windows version(7, 8 and XP) in this case does not matter in the slightest, since the file is universal. The procedure is extremely simple and will be understandable even to a less experienced PC user.

1. Download the d3dx9_26.dll file

2.Unzip the file and copy the library to the clipboard.

3. Determine the OS bit depth. To do this, open “my computer” and look at the “system properties” section. In the “system type” column you will find the necessary information.

4.Install the library to the desired one system folder. If you have a 32-bit operating system installed, then install the library in C:\Windows\System32. If your OS is 64-bit, then insert the library into C:\Windows\SysWOW64.

5.Register the file in the system.

To do this, press the Win+R key combination or in the “Start” menu, click “Run” and copy the command “regsvrd3dx9_26.dll” into the window that appears without quotes. Then click “OK”.

6.Restart your PC.

After which the game should work as expected, and you can while away the evenings doing your favorite hobby.

If the desired result was not achieved, we suggest you watch the video instructions, which tell in detail how to correctly download and install the d3dx9_26.dll file

Option two

The first way to solve our problem is, of course, quite effective, but this is not a panacea for all ills.

If the game still does not work, then it is quite possible that you are missing some other dll files. A clear proof of this can be the unexpected appearance of a sign of the same type that we described earlier, but with a different name for the missing file.

That is why the second method is to reinstall the entire DirectX package. This is the most reliable remedy for all possible errors associated with dll files. You need to do the following:

1.Download the web installer

Download Direct X

2.Unzip and run the program.

3.Agree with everything that the program suggests by clicking “ok” or “next”

Now all games and other applications that require DirectX libraries will definitely work correctly, unless of course the reason for the game’s failure to launch was in the dll files. For a clearer understanding of the algorithm for eliminating errors by downloading DirectX, you can watch a short but detailed video instruction.

To summarize, we note that both methods have both advantages and minor disadvantages. The second method, as has probably already become clear from what was read above, is more universal. But it will eat up more traffic from you than the first one and will require a little more of your time than the first one. If you are sure that you only need the d3dx9_26.dll file, then feel free to choose the first one. If it still doesn’t help, then don’t waste time and move on to the second method. Well, the opportunity to experiment and try both will give you the opportunity to expand your skills in using a PC.


If you, dear user, when trying to launch the game, became an involuntary witness to a system “uprising” and the OS attacked you with a difficult-to-understand DLL error“The system library d3dx9_26.dll is missing. The program cannot be launched,” and you don’t know what to do in this case, then this article is for you. In just a couple of minutes you will know where to download d3dx9_26.dll for free and where to install the missing file, which is so important for the OS.

What caused this error to occur?

First of all, you should know that this file (d3dx9_26) is an integral part of the general DirectX system program. Or rather, it belongs to its 9th version. As a result of the loss this file the system library becomes incomplete and the process of interaction between the OS and other software components accompanying the game script becomes simply impossible.

In most cases, the culprit of the “non-startable” celebration is some ill-fated virus. It’s not uncommon for the above-mentioned “library” to crash as a result of incorrectly applied software. Sometimes the user himself, without knowing it, deletes an important DLL file. In general, there can be plenty of reasons. However, there are two fail-safe solutions to such a difficult situation, which will be discussed further.

Solution #1: download and install the missing DirectX component

Next steps:

  • Through the Start menu, open the This PC section.
  • Next, enter the disk directory (C:\).
  • Our destination is the “Windows” folder, which is located in the root directory of the OS.
  • Once you are in this folder, find the “system32” folder and double-click the left mouse button to enter it.

  • Now drag the unzipped file into the open area.
  • The system will require your consent “Replace” - we change!
  • Now you can start the game.

If everything is “OK” - enjoy your favorite activity, if not - move on.

Reinstalling DirectX

Rarely, but it still happens: replacing or “inserting” a missing dynamic library file does not lead to the desired result. operating system everything still “swears” and continues to throw out incomprehensible error messages. To restore “gamer justice” you need to install a new copy of DirectX. In our case, the ninth version.

Instead of an afterword

Now you know where and how you can download d3dx9_26.dll for free. However, it may well be that in the future you will need other dynamic files (perhaps ) and the “dialers” you find, you will have to download from little-known sites... Always check the files downloaded from the Internet and never forget - there are more than enough “well-wishers” on the World Wide Web. Wishing you dizzying adventures and desired victories!